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Jul 21, 2021 at 11:25 comment added Walter Mitty Sometime in the 1970s, Leonid Brezhnev gave a broadcast speech in which he said that communism had been acheived. The reaction of the public at last was one of exasperation. You mean it doesn't get any better than this?
Nov 30, 2019 at 9:08 comment added Peter - Reinstate Monica @ItalianPhilosopher The probability that in the future somebody will come along, stage a coup and call their authoritarian regime "socialism" is very close to one. ;-)
Nov 30, 2019 at 5:55 comment added Italian Philosopher but you can draw conclusions to the probability of the next crop of Communism being authoritarian, as Venezuelans can probably attest to.
Nov 29, 2019 at 17:35 comment added Peter - Reinstate Monica @PeterMortensen As I said, something does not become a proletarian revolution because you name it so and make a famous movie about it. Maybe I can quote a famous political scientists' joke: "The Glorious Proletarian October Revolution was not glorious (Lenin hid in cattle wagons traveling through Russia); it was not proletarian because it was run by educated middle class people); it was not a revolution but a coup; and finally, it was not October (because most of the rest of the world used the Gregorian calendar, in which it was already November).
Nov 29, 2019 at 17:28 comment added Peter - Reinstate Monica @PeterMortensen The one which would be the precursor to communism. The one which could only emerge in countries with an advanced industry because socialism is the cultural superstructure which would necessarily emerge from such an economic base. So, in particular, I'm not using the definition of Soviet, Chinese or Cuban "socialism". These were authoritarian regimes emerging not by proletarian revolutions but by coups.
Nov 29, 2019 at 17:22 comment added Peter Mortensen What definition of socialism are you using?
Nov 29, 2019 at 13:18 history answered Peter - Reinstate Monica CC BY-SA 4.0