Within the USA the political divide between Republicans (conservatives) and Democrats (liberals) is a divide between rural and urban areas. Low population density areas tend to the conservative, minimal government beliefs and perceive government programprograms as more of aan impediment rather thenthan a benefit. They tend to be more independent and self sufficient. High population density areaareas are much more dependent on government services and see large government programprograms as more of a benefit. The "blue" democratically controlled states all have large cities who'swhose population out numbernumbers the rest of the state. This is easily seen if you look at election results by county instead of by state.
Most "swing" voters that determine election results are from the suburban areas, not truly liberal urban areas or conservative rural areas.
As always you will be to find exceptions.
The south does not have as large of urban areas, nor as many. There are also some of the exceptions, such as Miami FL, a large urban area that has a number of Cuban and Central American refugees that is very much conservativesconservative, having seen the resultsresult of leftist socialism.