In a normally functioning society, independent press sells the information. Correct information is vital for the modern human.
You can find in every newspapers, what is the current a day of the week and the weather forecast. If they write itI read it's Sunday and it is Monday, this may cost me amy job. If I go for a hike prepared for the completely wrong weather because of the bogus weather forecast, this may just kill me. Most important, I would really like both Sunday and sunny warm weather daily but I still pay for this information to be correct. Same goes for the rest of the newspaper. It cannot be any democracy without independent press. How would you vote without knowing what is going on? No objective media, no "westerns values" then ... well this is exactly that Russian PR is talking about.
The Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) states that the fundamental right of freedom of expression encompasses the freedom to “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. This right exists for the reason. The truth is essential.
Another answer writes, readers pay for publishers for "what they think should be produced". Nope, I do not think to pay the publisher for always printing it's Sunday today. Journalists need to do some analysis even for calendar, and for weather forecast they already need sources of information, while not yet WikiLeaks. This is that they need for every article that is worth reading.
Independent journalism builds the reputation over many years. These newspapers are normally trusted because they have not been lying at least very obviously ten, twenty and more years ago, about the things that are now clear for everyone.
Here is the article on how The New York Times fact-checks in an age of misinformation and this is how The Guardian does. And here is the code conduct of Meduza.
Due that, I think, sources that I consider independent I also consider reliable, especially that they give quite a comparable picture of the Ukraine events. It is not beneficial to take a position "all media lies""I trust no one" as this just removes the ranking: then nothing can be trusted, all sources should be equally trusted. The rank matters, it protects from the seareliable and then PR of all kinds readily fills in your head with bullshit up to ears, you cannot otherwisewill never be able to verify personally evenone tenth of it while working on thatthis full time. You need to decide whom you trust. I still believe in independent press.