A relevant quote from Rashid Khalidi's The Iron Cage:
This is not to say that there are not many myths worth debunk- ing in the Palestinian version of events: there are indeed, particu- larly ideas relating to the Zionist movement and Israel and their connections with the Western powers, the relation of Zionism to the course of modern Jewish history, particularly the central place of the Holocaust in this history, and the reductionist view of Zion- ism as no more than a colonial enterprise. This enterprise was and is colonial in terms of its relationship to the indigenous Arab popu- lation of Palestine; Palestinians fail to understand, or refuse to recognize, however, that Zionism also served as the national movement of the nascent Israeli polity being constructed at their expense. There is no reason why both positions cannot be true: there are multiple examples of national movements, indeed nations, that were colonial in their origins, not least of them the United States. Deconstructing these ideas will be crucially important to an eventual reconciliation of the two peoples.