So, comments in this question mentioning extremes such as "nobody voted in election at all", led me to wonder:
What was the election where the LEAST percentage of eligible voters participated?
The choices are limited to:
"populace-wide" elections. E.g. at least 50% of population of a locale are eligible to vote.
Elections within last 300 years.
Mostly, I'm interested in national level elections in countries that can at least on some level be considered established "democracies" - e.g. those that have a history of, at least 20 years of popular elections prior.
Excluded are cases where there are legitimate reasons for low turnout (e.g., the people are avoiding voting because there's a war/insurrection/government thugs scaring them off - such as post-US-invasion Iraq or Mugabe's Zimbabwe).
Similarly excluded are special situations, e.g when people are prevented from voting by natural disasters etc...
In other words, I'm interested in the elections where the main/only reason one can assume for the low turnout is voter apathy/bad set of choices to vote for/general-low-election-participation culture.