As a programmer I'm comfortable with using version control and bug trackers, but how do politicians keep track of "issues"? Do they have any digital tools which allow them to work together on the same problem? There are giant software projects which coordinate many programmers efficiently by issue tracking and issue assigning/tagging etc. e.g. on GitHub
If every politician had some kind of GitHub account it would be pretty transparent as well, if they could answer on issues made by all kinds of people (and non-public areas as well of course, since some stuff just needs to be handled in secret).
I ask because currently I'm watching a YouTube video explaining the Cum/Ex tax hole which caused damage of around 31,000,000,000 Euros. And some politicians were even informed by a banking association. But the bug/tax hole was open way too long. It seems to me that a good bug tracker with the responsible people working with it would solve such an issue way faster by allowing people to collaborate on such problems in a structured manner with all the needed people in one digital place (e.g. law makers/politicians, bankers, professionals who understand the problem).
In short: do politicians leverage digital tools to increase collaboration? If not, how do they do it? Emails and phone calls? Wait till everybody has time or is available for a meeting? That sounds way too slow and unprofessional.