I've been looking for statistics about the subject, out of personal curiosity. I know a lot of these groups have no official records, but some do (like militias, etc). I was wondering if anybody had statistics like the top 10 states with the biggest number of far-right groups.
Following the comments I received I'll try to make my question more precise.
By far-right groups, I mean every group that is publicly known as a hate group with or without ties to the KKK and the neo-nazi movement. I'm not talking about political parties, more about activists groups, self-proclaimed militias and the likes. Any group promoting white supremacy, hate against other nationalities with a tendency for public demonstrations and violent outbursts.
About the numbers, I realize that I was vague about it and also that population density could bias the numbers so obviously getting a number that would take that into account would be the best (percentage of population involved etc.)
I'm well aware that there is probably no publicly available data that is really reliable because of the "covert" nature of such groups.