YES, partially
The only district allowed to secede from Catalonia is Vall d'Aran, the only "subject" nation inside Catalonia's borders.
They speak their own Language ( Aranese, a modern version of Occitan), they have their own culture and traditions,their people doesn't hold a free nation or state for itself, and they aknowledge themselves as a distinct people, all four requirements to be a stateless nation and to possess the right to Self-determination.
Ofcourse, most catalans would prefer Aran to stay as part of Catalonia, and have made efforts with the different Laws of Aran to make sure the region feels comfortable and accepted, but is willing to let them be free if they wish so.
Where does the Catalan parliament / Government allow this secession?
- In the Law of Aran, a document redacted in 2014 and voted in 2015
that gave even more autonomy to the "inner region", given the non
acceptance of a distinct people from Spain.
- In the different public speeches of the government, parties, elected officials and presidency members recognising Aran as a nation with the right to decide.
This law, a improvement over the Law of Aran's Statutes, completes a 20 year-long determination process, and gives the next powers to Aran, almost giving it the status of an autonomous region, inside the statuary rights of Catalonia, hereby, inside the constitution.
Aran constitutes in Catalonia a national reality with its own
personality and differentiated, based in the fact that the Aranese
community has a common, shared and common language and culture with
the rest of Occitania, and, at the same time, an ancient tradition of
self-government firmly defended by the Aranese over time. Occitan, in its
aranese variety, is Aran's own language and becomes one of the pillars
and one of the features fundamentals that make up the Aranese
identity, all framing it in the Occitan national event. The tie
emotional of the Aranes with their language and, at the same time, the
tenacity to use it, they have allowed, generation after generation,
transmission to the present, and have made it one of the most precious
and valuable elements Exceptional of the cultural heritage of Aran,
which the people and institutions of Catalonia also recognize and they
value as their own.
Powers given to Aran inside the statutary pact of Catalonia by the laws of Aran
Additional disposition number one
Disposició Addicional Primera
Reconeixement del dret de decidir del poble aranès
El Parlament de Catalunya reconeix el dret del poble aranès a decidir
el seu futur.
Recognition of the right to decide on the people of Aran
The Parliament of Catalonia recognizes the right of the people of Aran
to decide their future.
Laws approved against the will of the right-wing centralist parties PP & Citiziens (1)
Full control of the next elements:
- Education
- Culture
- Health
- Social services
- Planning of the territory and urbanism.
- Tourism
- Protection, conservation and administration of its historical and
artistic heritage
- Protection of nature, mountains and forest roads.
- Agriculture, livestock, fishing & hunting and forestry exploitation.
- Rescuing and extinguishing fires.
- Youth
- Leisure and free time.
- Sports.
- Natural environment.
- Collection and treatment of solid waste.
- Public health
- Local roads
- Inland passenger transport
- Crafts
Powers given to aran by the Catalan parliament directly
Linguistic space in the Public Catalan Radio & Television.
Grants and help to promote Aranese to new generations.
The General Council (Parliament) of Aran and the Sindic (Presidency) of Aran, on 1992.
This law is currently running and has not been declared illegal by the Constitutional Court.
(1) : On self determination and right to decide:
The opposition of PPC and C's has been based mainly on the recognition that the law makes of the right to decide of the Valley of Aran. Precisely this has been one of the points that has been voted separately and whose approval has resulted in numerous applause both between Members and among the guests in the gallery of Parliament. / El País
EL país