In Turkish parliamentary elections, a threshold of 10% applies for any party to enter parliament. At the 2018 general election, İyi Parti-Demokrat Parti reportedly reached 9.96%, yet also reportedly enters parliament with 43 seats. Did İyi Parti-Demokrat Parti enter Turkish parliament despite having less than 10% of the vote? How is it possible if the 10% threshold (still) applies?
1 Answer
In 2017, the Turkish Parliament passed a law allowing alliances to be formed to jointly pass that 10% threshold. The IYI party is part of the National Alliance with the CHP and the Saadet Party. The alliance as a whole easily passed the 10% threshold. This does not mean that the parties are merged or have to vote together--in fact they have said that now that elections are over the alliance is dissolved. This is distinct from a strategy Kurdish parties have used in the past: running independent candidates who don't need to reach 10%.
2The AKP passed it because they were worried that their allies, the MHP, would not exceed the 10% threshold. The two parties entered into an alliance together following the passage.– EremiCommented Jul 5, 2018 at 15:23
That makes sense. I was thinking that it had the feel of a very targeted "bend the rules for political gain" change, and I guess it was.– BobsonCommented Jul 5, 2018 at 15:37
1BTW, great irony that AKP passed a law because they were worried that their partners wouldn't pass the 10% threshold, and now it has actually benefited the opposition Millet İttifakı more than it has the government Cumhur İttifakı! (And AKP now depends on MHP for parliamentary majority)– gerritCommented Jul 5, 2018 at 15:46
1@gerrit I can't confirm for sure, but I believe that Saadet Partisi won no seats because they didn't have strong enough performances in any district to merit a seat. As part of the alliance, they put their candidates lower on the list in some districts. I don't believe they were unable to win any seats, I think they just happened to win none.– EremiCommented Jul 5, 2018 at 16:12