Wikipedia has this summary as the latest (August) status of Brexit talks:
On August 9, The Times and Business Insider said that EU had made concessions and agreed to accept, among other things, a free trade deal which doesn't include free movement of EU citizens.[107][108][109][110] Under the proposal, the EU would also accept the terms outlined in the White Paper if Britain agreed to abide by the EU's social, environment and customs rules.[111][108] However, this would also include keeping Britain in the European Single Market for a longer period,[108] which is a matter of concern for the British government.[112][110][109] Agreeing to the single market proposal could potentially mean that Britain will be unable to change laws in order to give it a competitive edge against the EU and could hinder any chance of signing additional trade deals.[107][111]
A lot of the refs there are tabloids, so I want to know what exactly has someone who actually represents the EU said on this. It sounds like a temporary non-Brexit [except for free movement, maybe]... so it doesn't make a lot of sense. So what's the latest counter-proposal from the EU, in their own words?