I was looking at H.R.748 - CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act on the Congress website. I was surprised to find that the bill originally passed the House on July 17, 2019. I found this strange because the Coronavirus was not known until the last few months of 2019.
I looked at the original bill from the house. It is fairly short and has nothing to do with Coronavirus, but instead talks about removing a specific tax related to healthcare.
I took a looked at the Senate amendment to the bill. It says, "Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following:" This is followed the very lengthy text of the CARES Act. It does not contain any text related to the original purpose of the bill.
Why did the Senate use this bill instead of creating a new one? What happened to the original? Since the Senate replaced it's text, can it no longer fulfill it's original purpose?