So, there has been a number of times when courts have rules against actions taken by the Trump administration on various different areas. Generally, to my knowledge, once these rulings have been made, the Trump administration has adhered to them.
It occurs to me, however, that it's possible that they might not actually need to. The penalty for violating a court order is being held in Contempt of Court, a criminal offense - however, the United States President holds the power of pardon.
Is it possible for the US President to pre-emptively pardon anyone held in Contempt of Court for violating a court order prohibiting his administration from carrying out a particular course of action? For instance, he might issue an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to ignore the court order, along with a granting pardon for anyone held in Contempt of Court for doing so?
I suppose that this question might also be generalized to "can the President order federal agencies to break the law, by granting them pre-emptive pardons to let them escape the consequences for doing so?"