NY State sought to limit in person worship to 25 in general, 10 in covid hot spots.
From the BBC's coverage
"even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten. The restrictions at issue here... strike at the very heart of the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty."
Now, I totally get that limiting worship in normal times is explicitly a no-no by the constitution. I also don't want to debate whether or not this particular limitation on churches is justifiable compared to restrictions on other activities.
My question is solely limited to: is there a mechanism under which temporary suspensions/limitations of certain constitutional guarantees can be put in place in case of national emergencies? Whether or not they should be applied in this particular case, is another question, which would likely devolve into opinions.
I don't really see this as a legal question, rather it is a question about the politically-decided operational framework under which US law gets administered.
Edit: To be clear temporary is a key point in my question. Normal, established permanent limitations on any of the rights - "You can't shout fire in a crowded theatre without a reason" - are out of scope.
I'm asking about mechanisms that allow adjusting/limiting/suspending normally constitutionally-protected rights, that can be put in place, on a time-limited basis, whether regionally or nationally, on the basis of an emergency.
And, just to be clear, also waaay short of the nuclear option of "declaring martial law".