There are plenty of polls asking the British population what they think about Brexit, but there are hardly any polls regarding Continental Europe's view on it; especially no recent ones.
Judging from my own personal bubble, we were shocked after the results of the 2016 Brexit Referendum and the turmoil thereafter; but increasingly saw the United Kingdom as a political liability and were relieved when they finally left the Union on 31st of December 2020. In this sense, we still consider UK's decision as ill-advised, but at the same time approve the completion of its withdrawal.
This of course is just an anecdotal view, but should demonstrate the nuance in opinion, and why I don't ask the question "Are Continental Europeans pro or contra Brexit?", because they may be both (Namely not wanting the UK to leave, but wanting this UK to leave). I also wonder whether animosity towards Britons and their government has increased, as they could be seen as ungrateful brats constantly overplaying their hands; or instead are admired for standing up to their interests, inspiring and strengthening euro-skeptic sentiments in Continental Europe.
How did the view of Continental Europe on Brexit change between the 2016 Referendum and today? (Please source with polls) This can also include opinions of populations outside the EU, as in Norway, Switzerland, or Serbia; but should not focus on a single country.