In the UNFCCC site the Paris agreement is defined as a legally binding international treaty on climate change. Its goal is to limit global warming below +2°C through nationally determined contirbutions (NDC) to global carbon emissions, but the NDC's are not themselves legally binding.

What part of the treaty is legally binding and enforceable?

It would be ironic if the parties were obliged to present their commitments, but not to respect them...

  • I don't see why the link prvoided should answer my question, as there i's no reference to any binding mechanism. As far as I understand is is somehow binding (why is it presented as binding on the unfccc site then?) and I guess is about presenting the contribution. The linked question asks "what is the point" it is a very different question and in fact the answer doesn't address the point
    – Dinisaur
    Commented Dec 31, 2021 at 23:42