Very few documents online work on the difference. Non-Alignment (and the related history of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) during the Cold War) seems to refer to countries that will not join alliances or defense pacts. Neutrality seems to be defined around passivity and non-action.
What adjustment could be made to those definitions to account for actions during time of war and time of peace?
Do these policies need to be in respect to large international coalitions? If Sweden and Finland are non-aligned, but gang up together are they still considered non-aligned because two countries isn't enough?
What is the logical relationship between the two? Can a country be aligned and neutral, or non-neutral and non-aligned, etc.?
More generally I am still having trouble grasping what that would mean in practice. My use case is looking at Sweden during the Cold war and after, their seemingly long-standing neutrality and non-alignment policy, although they participate in exercises with NATO, joined the CSDP from the Treaty of Lisbon, which is pretty much like a NATO article 5 for the EU.