All the news coverage I've seen have indicated most of Ukraine are united in fighting Russia, saying things like "we will win eventually".
Still, recently in the news was Ukrainian president Zelenskyy firing several of his officials for alleged treason by collaborating with Russia. This seems to imply that there is a faction within the Ukrainian government that's in favor of collaborating with Russia, and by implication in favor of an immediate ceasefire.
Is there any indication that there is a faction in the Ukrainian government favoring an immediate ceasefire? If not, what about in Ukraine at large? As I understand it Ukraine has criminalized collaboration with Russia (which by their definition includes expression support for the war), hence if such a faction exists I imagine it'll either be underground or among Ukrainian exiles.
To clarify: I'm referring to Ukrainians who think Ukraine should implement an immediate ceasefire, but don't identify as Russian (e.g. by taking up Russian citizenship) and will choose to remain Ukrainian afterwards.