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- UK allows it in exception circumstances:
A proxy vote is a vote cast by one MP on behalf of another MP in a House of Commons division. Proxy voting has been allowed only in very specific circumstances. Any such arrangement must be certified by the Speaker in advance.
- Australia allows it for nursing mothers:
Proxy voting
In 2008 the House agreed to a resolution making special provisions for
nursing mothers, recognising that Members required to nurse infants
may not always be able to attend the Chamber to vote in divisions. A
Member nursing an infant at the time of any division (except that on
the third reading of a bill to alter the Constitution) may give her
vote by proxy—to the Chief Government Whip in the case of a government
Member and to the Chief Opposition Whip in the case of a
non-government Member. The proxy vote is treated as if the Member were
present in the Chamber.
The resolution also expressed the opinion that the special provisions
should not be extended or adapted to apply to Members not able to be
present in the Chamber for other reasons.
- New Zealand allows it with a few restrictions:
Voting by proxy was introduced along with party voting in 1996. Proxy voting is a means by which a member who is absent from the Chamber and cannot vote in person has his or her vote recorded. A proxy vote cannot be recorded for a member who has not taken the Oath of Allegiance. A proxy on a personal vote cannot be recorded if the member is actually present in the Chamber, but a member in a part of the House from which it is impossible to vote, such as in the gallery, can have a vote recorded by proxy.
- France allows it in some circumstances:
Senators may only delegate their right to vote in the following
illness, an accident or a serious family misfortune preventing a Senator from attending;
a temporary mission entrusted to him by the Government;
military service in peacetime or wartime;
participation in the work of an international assembly by virtue of a Senate appointment;
absence from the mainland of France (in the event of an extraordinary session);
by order of the Bureau of the Senate (cases of force majeure).
- It was allowed in the US during the pandemic:
The House established proxy voting in March 2020 amid the COVID-19
pandemic as a way to allow members to vote from home. Since then it
has been extended a number of times, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) citing the ongoing public health emergency.
She prolonged the procedure an additional time on Friday, letting it
run through the end of the 117th Congress on Jan. 3. There are not any
votes scheduled for that time frame.
Both parties have utilized the pandemic-era procedure in its nearly
two years in place, but there have been recent grumblings about
members taking advantage of what was intended to be a health-related
alternative to in-person voting.