The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) is one of the two major political parties in Jamaica, the other being the People's National Party (PNP). While its name might suggest that it is a social democratic party (as is the case for "Labour" parties in several other Commonwealth realms such as Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom), the JLP is actually a conservative party.
Are there other countries with right-wing/conservative parties that have left-style words in their title like "Labour", Workers' etc.?
The point in an answer below about Communists (conventionally described as "left-wing to far-left") being 'conservative' in the immediate aftermath of the post-Soviet space is somewhat interesting, but I'm more interested in the conventional sense of 'right-wing' and likewise for 'conservative'.
For example, the JLP "believes in a market-driven economy and individual personal responsibility" and "illegality of homosexual acts by citing Christian values and the integrity of the family". True, Stalinism also made homosexual acts illegal, but let's not get into that.