In 2015 and 2019, the Danish government introduced a series of legislative amendments that fundamentally changed Danish asylum practice. With these changes in mind, this report observes that residence permits are now granted with a view to refugees returning to their country of origin as soon as possible, rather to promoting their integration and long-term residence. Denmark’s strong focus on the revocation of refugees’ residence permits is unique when compared with other EU countries, and Danish asylum rules provide a significantly lower level of protection for some refugees than the protection generated by asylum rules in other EU member states, writes the report.
In the EU, an area of open borders and freedom of movement, member countries share the same fundamental values and joint approach to guarantee high standards of protection for refugees.
EU countries have a shared responsibility to welcome asylum seekers in a dignified manner, ensuring that they are treated fairly and their case is examined following uniform standards. This ensures that, no matter where an applicant applies, the outcome will be similar. Procedures must be fair, effective throughout the EU, and impervious to abuse.
However, asylum flows are not constant, nor are they evenly distributed across the EU. They have, for example, variated from over 1.8 million in 2015 to around 142,000 in 2019, a decrease of 92%.
With this in mind, since 1999, the EU has established a Common European Asylum System (CEAS). In 2020, the European Commission proposed to reform the system through a comprehensive approach to migration and asylum policy based on three main pillars:
Why does Denmark provide a significantly lower level of protection to some refugees if there's a Common European Asylum System that seeks to make the process of seeking asylum uniform across all EU member countries? Is there something I am missing? The second link suggest there's a common standard that made the process uniform for all EU member countries.