There was an inscription commemorating those who died from the UK and the US bombing Dresden in February 1945, when an estimated 22-25,000 civilians were killed.
Recently, according to Bild, the inscription was removed. Why was this done?
There was an inscription commemorating those who died from the UK and the US bombing Dresden in February 1945, when an estimated 22-25,000 civilians were killed.
Recently, according to Bild, the inscription was removed. Why was this done?
Removal of the inscription had been planned since 2019, but the city failed to inform about it being put into action now. An information stele near the bench that had been removed temporarily will be restored.
According to MDR
[Oberbürgermeister] Hilbert führte weiter aus, dass die Inschrift in der Lehne einer Bank auf dem Altmarkt vor einigen Tagen bei Bauarbeiten entfernt wurde. Das sei planmäßig erfolgt. Er verwies auf entsprechende Absprachen zur Neugestaltung des Platzes aus dem Jahr 2019, zu der eben auch die Entfernung der Gravur in der Lehne einer Sitzbank gehört habe. "Eine rechtzeitige Information über das geplante Vorgehen wäre unerlässlich gewesen", so Hilbert.
Der OB verteidigte zugleich die Entfernung der Inschrift. Sie sei wiederholt in die Kritik geraten, weil sie nicht würdig genug sei. Entweder würden Menschen davor sitzen und sie verdecken oder die Bank werde für Graffiti missbraucht...Eine 2020 errichtete Erinnerungsstele, die bei den Bauarbeiten auf dem Altmarkt beschädigt worden war, soll zeitnah wieder aufgestellt werden.
[Mayor] Hilbert went on to explain that the inscription on the back of a bench on the Altmarkt was removed a few days ago during construction work. This was done according to plan. He referred to corresponding agreements on the redesign of the square from 2019, which also included the removal of the engraving on the back of a bench. "Timely information about the planned procedure would have been essential," said Hilbert.
The mayor also defended the removal of the inscription. It had been repeatedly criticised for not being dignified enough. Either people would sit in front of it and cover it up or the bench would be misused for graffiti...A memorial stele erected in 2020, which was damaged during the construction work on the Altmarkt, is to be reinstalled in the near future.
Neo-Nazis present the bombing of Dresden as a war crime. Dresden was a major rail transport and communication centre, housing 110 factories and 50,000 workers in support of the German war effort. Also Nazi Germany previously had already bombed European cities. Anyway Neo-Nazis push the view that the bombing has been a war crime so the monument was probably removed for not to give them a place for meetings and demonstrations. The estimated number of victims for this bombing is reported as 20,000 here, while as high as 500,000 have been claimed in Nazi PR.
From the source referenced in question:
Neonazis nutzen den jährlichen Gedenktag, den 13. Februar, um die Stadt als Bühne für Aufmärsche zu missbrauchen
That translates to
Neo-Nazis use the annual memorial day, February 13, to abuse/misuse the city as a stage for demonstrations
Maybe not exactly this monument right now but the city in general, and they might decide to use also the monument in the future one day.
This answer does not attempt to answer to the question if the bombing has really been a war crime, the statement that some (not Nazis) are saying, also increasing the estimated number of victims till 35,000 and claiming it had limited military significance.
The bombing of Dresden has been extensively used by Nazis for propaganda purposes. This started during the war and there is a continuance all the way to the modern remembrance events, where Nazis "remember" the bombing (often hand in hand with conservatives).
The goal of this is and was guilt reversal. Germany started a war to exterminate all Jews & they were stopped. Bombing Dresden was a part of the defeat of Germany.
Nazis, conservatives, and other revisionists instead want to present themselves as victims of foreign aggression & downplay German guilt as it relates to the Holocaust (often calling the Dresden bombing "Bombenholocaust" in an attempt to relativize the actual Holocaust).
That's the background and motivation to remove the inscription. As the article makes clear though, the city doesn't say that it is responsible & wants to add a plaque saying that the 13th of February is one of the most important days of remembrance.