I understand the political climate in Northern Ireland is very different, with there being no overlap in parties and frequently very different priorities in the public mind. It is not clear to me why this translates to such a different handing of Northern Ireland in data drive polling sites. Is there a particular reason for this?
I have been following the polling about this election, and up until today I have been referencing 3 MRP polling providers and one aggregator. Three of the 4, The Telegraph, More in Common and the polling aggregator New Statesman conspicuously leave Northern Ireland off their maps completely, and YouGov just displays it as grey. None discuss the polling there at all as far as I can see.
The first poll I have seen that actually includes a prediction of Northern Ireland came out today, but it leaves me with more questions than answers. Why include so little data for Northern Ireland? Surely the 2019 vote percentages can be found from Wikipedia? They must have a predicted vote to get a change of a seat, why do they not tell us? It kind of seems so specific and pointless that there must be a specific and good reason for it. Is there, and if so what is it?