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Questions tagged [conservatism]

Conservatism is a political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization.

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8 votes
3 answers

What do the makers of Project 2025 consider "pornography"?

The foreword of Project 2025, "The Conservative Promise", Chapter 1, contains a text about restoring and "protecting" the family, including this passage: Pornography, manifested ...
Erik Hart's user avatar
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7 answers

What does "far right tilt" actually mean in the context of the EU in 2024?

The Washington Post's June 9, 2024 European Parliament tilts right; Macron calls snap elections in France uses the terms "far right" and "conservative" three times and "...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

The flaw in the [rationalism = utopian = socialism] and [empiricism = realism = liberalism] Burkean argument

Hayek (1948) introduced this now famous dichotomy, certainly in the continuity of Edmund Burke, between "true individualism" (of the British empiricist tradition) and the "false ...
Starckman's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the Young America's Foundation talking about social issues all day long? [closed]

Why is the Young America's Foundation (in particular its iconic people like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles) talking about social issues all day long? Just look at their YouTube channel......
Starckman's user avatar
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Republican and Social Conservative Manifesto

Is there any Manifesto outlining basic GOP and Social Conservative values? Regarding the latter, I want a nonchristian and if possible a neutral version for the USA.
Haridasa's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Why do Communist governments turn more socially conservative over time?

One thing I noticed is that many Communist governments are becoming more socially conservative the more they establish themselves. Be it the USSR from legalizing homosexuality to banning Jazz, Jeans ...
Apoliticalboy's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why don't Conservatives in Washington state try to bar payroll taxes?

I read on SEATTLE (AP) — Three conservative-backed initiatives that would [do x, ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the "conservative legal and judicial movement in the 1970s and 1980s" to which Justice Luttig refers?

In CNN's March 5, 2024 Retired federal judge blasts Supreme Court ruling: 'Stunning in its overreach' retired federal Judge J. Michael Luttig says the following (excerpted from YouTube auto-transcript ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the ideal political period for liberal conservatives? [closed]

What is the ideal political period in the eyes of liberal conservatives? Liberal conservatism is "a political ideology combining conservative policies with liberal stances, especially on economic ...
Starckman's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there research towards how conservatives parties in Europe benefit from using right-wing populism?

I was wondering if there was political science research into if there is a correlation between politicians copying narratives of right-wing parties. And, ideally also if this is successful in winning ...
Christian's user avatar
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Is US Speaker Johnson's voting pattern on legislation related to individual freedom consistent with his ideology of 7 Core Principles of Conservatism?

In CNN's coverage of the new US House Speaker's "acceptance speech", Speaker Mike Johnson says (after 16:54) In his farewell address, President Reagan explained the secret of his rapport ...
uhoh's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Is this explanation of liberal-conservatism correct? [closed]

The liberal-conservatism idea is basically: (1) The socio-economico-political system (which includes a liberal economy and civil rights) we have now happened because it happened (and certainly not ...
Starckman's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

left vs Right politics and liberal vs conservative [closed]

Can we say left means liberal and right means conservative ? In history we see lot of counterexamples.
quanity's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Why are communism and anarcho-communism not seen as extreme-reactionary?

Context It is a common usage to call some right-wing movements in Western countries "reactionary". See Wikipedia: In ideology, reactionism is a tradition in right-wing politics Reactionary ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Definition of Leftist

These days, I am listening too much of the word "Leftist" in the sites like Twitter and Reddit. What is meant by the term "Leftist"? Is this a philosophically improved political ...
Rational Number's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What effect will increased urbanization have on liberal views given that urban locations tend to be more liberal?

There is a well-documented link between liberal views and urban locations, and conservative views with rural locations, which has been proven true across many first world nations. However, many ...
dsollen's user avatar
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5 answers

What is this political cartoon by Bob Moran titled "Amnesty" about?

I saw that Bob Moran made this political cartoon that he posted on Twitter: When I first saw this cartoon, I assumed it was poking fun at the "False Balance" AKA "bothsidesism" ...
Nova's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Why do conservatives who disagree with social media censorship not just switch to blogs/RSS?

Many conservatives believe that social media companies should not be able to block users based on politics. However, they keep using the social media platforms, and even those who have been blocked ...
Someone's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Support for surrogacy from pro-choice groups

Are pro-choice groups (i.e. those supporting legal abortion or extending the abortion rights) typically supportive of surrogate motherhood and/or prostitution? I am interested in groups and ...
Morisco's user avatar
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11 answers

How is lowering taxes "socialist"?

In the current leadership contest for the position of leader of the UK's Conservative party, one of the differences between the two candidates is that Liz Truss is promising to lower taxes while Rishi ...
terdon's user avatar
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What agreements or disagreements exist between Conservatism and Rationalism?

Rationalism is a core tenet of liberalism, regarding reason as the primary source of knowledge and relying on reason as a justification of arguments. According to Michael Oakeshott: “The conduct of ...
DerekG's user avatar
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8 answers

Why do pro gun and anti abortion (and vice versa) views go together in the USA?

So this is looking in on America and maybe this isn't the way it really is but it seems like the two big cultural fault lines they have are guns and abortion. And it appears that people are either ...
dibs487's user avatar
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Do "neocons" and "neoliberals" have the same foreign policy views?

I've heard that Bush can be described as a "neocon" and Clinton as a "neolib." Given that the neocons originally came from the political left neoliberals are more concerned with ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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7 answers

What is the conservative argument against modern contraception?

I am asking this in the context of the Republican Party in the US being against contraception. That seems odd to me since even the anti-abortion Christian party in the country I live are for handing ...
Avatrin's user avatar
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Why do US conservative groups have a more visible political impact compared with similar liberal/progressive groups?

In the United States, there are several groups with conservative views that may be considered to have a visible influence in their field (such as the Federalist Society for law, or the National Rifle ...
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6 votes
4 answers

Explaining Reaganomics in terms of conservatism

Conservatism is commonly defined as an ideology that tries to maintain the status quo. In this answer, it is defined as being anti-utopian, and thus, any government change should be slow and measured. ...
Avatrin's user avatar
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How has the Israeli right responded to Trump's failure to condemn Nazis?

I'm sure left-wing Israelis don't like Trump, so I'm more curious about Israelis on the political right. Trump has supported the goals of the Israeli right, such as an undivided Jerusalem, recognition ...
Ne Mo's user avatar
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Is it possible to be socialist, liberal, and conservative like this candidate to president of Perú claims? [closed]

Candidate to president of Perú Hernando de Soto claims to be "socialist, liberal and conservative". I can't find a possible definition of the 3 terms for them to coexist together. To me, ...
Pablo's user avatar
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14 votes
10 answers

Why do many conservatives in US like the free market but not transactional sex?

I wonder why conservatives like the free market but not transactional sex? It’s okay for some guy to make tons of money. It’s okay for shops to get lots of customers. It’s okay for large corporations ...
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6 votes
1 answer

Do other nations consider all USA politics to be conservative, and if so why?

I've heard from a few sources claims that people outside the US consider all US politics conservative. One person going to far as to say that to non-US individuals our politics range from "very ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Does HC Strache appeal to a meaningfully different section of Austrian society from the FPÖ?

Austrian populist-right politician HC Strache led his own campaign for the Viennese municipal elections which took place on Sunday. People who aren't followers of Austrian politics may not be aware ...
Statsanalyst's user avatar
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-6 votes
3 answers

What is Conservatism and why do people think it's not rooted for a democracy?

I hear people talk about conservative parties and countries but I don't understand what this philosophy means? What is Conservatism and why is it not suitable for democracies when some parties call ...
Gregory's user avatar
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2 answers

What does the Economist mean by "liberal graduates, conservative school-leavers"?

In an article in The Economist titled: Return of the paranoid style - Fake news is fooling more conservatives than liberals. Why?, the author states: Conservatives’ complaints that elites are not on ...
Cheng's user avatar
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1 answer

How do the conservative media commentators skeptical of Covid-19 explain [away] the freezer truck rows in NYC?

It's been reported that a certain part of the conservative media in the US is highly skeptical of the Covid-19 death figures, suggesting they are probably overcounted e.g. Fox News’s Brit Hume, who ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
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Did conservatives in the U.K. in the 1950s used to be more like American liberals?

In the book Thinking in Time on page 194, it says ...contributed to a substantial Tory victory at the general election of 1959. Tory budgeting, which held down defense expenditure while boosting ...
Richard J.'s user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Broader context for Barry Goldwater's comment on US presidents' abuse of power in this 1966 Firing Line discussion?

I ran cross the video June 2016 Firing Line Compilation for Hoover's Summer Series and starting at 02:42 there is an exchange between the host William F. Buckley Jr. and the guest Barry Goldwater in ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there any country other than Austria with a conservative-Green government?

Austria is now going to have a coalition government between the right-wing People's Party and the Greens. This is interesting; the parties are, from a US perspective, pretty much opposites of each ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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1 answer

Evidence of Democratic-Republican Party Realignment Circa 1950?

What evidence is there of a Democratic-Republican party realignment during the 1950's in the US? Usually, references to the Southern strategy are made, but I haven't been able to find any peer review ...
Sarah Szabo's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What's the conservative solution to wealth disparity?

While wealth/income inequality has generally been a Liberal concern, its increasing severity seems to have drawn Conservatives to consider it, including causing our current Conservative President to ...
Man_Over_Game's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Have any Democrats embraced any new policies or compromises in an attempt to appeal to conservatives that are unhappy with Trump?

When Trump was nominated as the presidential candidate in 2016, there was a major shift in the Republican party away from classically-liberal small-government party towards a more populist, nativist ...
lazarusL's user avatar
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Conservatism and Executive Power

The Economist cites the philosopher and political theorist Michael Oakeshott to describe conservatism as "To be conservative... is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the ...
Arne's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did Barry Goldwater change from opposing to supporting the Export Trade Administration Act of 1979?

The House modified the bill after it passed the Senate. Goldwater was among three Senators who voted against the bill. Can someone confirm that the modifications that the House of Representatives ...
Harley C.'s user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do the policies that Ben Shapiro supports align with those of the Alt-Right? [closed]

The Economist released a headline labeling him as alt-right before retracting the statement due to heavy criticism from Shapiro himself and other conservatives 1 . He has rejected this label and said ...
ChickenWingGeek's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Do any political groups self-describe as reactionary?

Merriam-webster describes reactionism as of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change. And ...
gerrit's user avatar
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60 votes
11 answers

What caused the tendency for conservatives to not support climate change regulations? [duplicate]

In the United States, conservatives tend to be against climate change regulations more frequently than the rest of the population. Conservatives in the U.S. tend to hold traditional and Christian ...
Christopher King's user avatar
31 votes
9 answers

How can Republicans who favour free markets, consistently express anger when they don't like the outcome of that choice?

I'm over in the UK with quite an interest in US politics, and intrigued at Republican statements about tech and social media being biased against them. My curiosity is piqued because on the other ...
Stilez's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Shouldn’t conservatives embrace universal basic income?

Andrew yang, a Democratic candidate for president current this date, has made universal basic income the foundation of his platform. This appears to be accepted as a “far left” idea. However, the way ...
spmoose's user avatar
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Has Tucker Carlson identified with distributist thinkers?

In a recent monologue Tucker Carlson sparked a serious discussion among conservatives about the degree to which capitalism is good for America. He said things like What kind of country do you want to ...
lazarusL's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

If conservatives don't like government, why don't they like the shutdown?

As far as I know, I have repeatedly heard a conservative stance arguing in favor of reducing government spending. But, at the same time, it appears as though politicians from across all aisles want to ...
user14554's user avatar
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How does Donald Trump define the word conservative?

Ronald Reagan's rise to prominence was built on the conservative intellectual movement and the thinking of figures like Russel Kirk, Frederick Hayek, Frank Meyer, Irving Kristol,and William F. Buckley ...
lazarusL's user avatar
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