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2 answers

What is the meaning of “qualified connection” in Federalist No. 51 by James Madison?

In the sixth paragraph of Federalist No.51, James Madison wrote, But it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the legislative authority ...
TFR's user avatar
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What compromises were forged or brokered by Benjamin Franklin in the US constitution that would be considered "tragic" by historian Ken Burns?

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert's April 2, 2022 Ken Burns Was Watching "Homeland" When He Realized Mandy Patinkin Should Be His Ben Franklin begins with noted historian and documentarian ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What did the framers have to say about the idea of a self pardon?

Did they not explicitly state in the Constitution that it isn’t allowed because they thought it was ok or because the idea of that happening was too ridiculous to warrant their attention?
The Mamba's user avatar
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Did any of the founding fathers anticipate Lysander Spooner's criticism of the constitution?

In his 1870 work "No Treason" - Lysander Spooner writes: “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we ...
blud's user avatar
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Did any founding father endorse unicameralism or at least bring up concerns about the deadlock risks of bicameralism?

Overall, the founding fathers of the United States supported bicameralism; after all that's what we actually have today. However, no body of august statesmen and scholars all agree on anything, so: ...
LateralFractal's user avatar
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When the founding fathers of the USA added Freedom of Religion, were there any religions in North America that killed in the name of religion?

Many of the people who came to North America in the first place came to avoid religious persecution. This being the case; at the time the founding fathers added Freedom of Religion to the ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Which founding fathers supported the first proposed amendment to the Constitution?

The first proposed amendment to the Constitution, (also referred to as the Congressional Apportionment Amendment), if it had been ratified by the states would have resulted in a radically different ...
user1873's user avatar
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Why was the Electoral College the system selected by the founding fathers?

What advantages did the founding fathers see in electoral college that made them pick it over other potential voting systems?
Alberto Bonsanto's user avatar