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Questions tagged [constitutional-monarchy]

Questions about monarchies that have a monarch and government that is bound by a constitution

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5 votes
1 answer

What kind of legislative power does the British monarchy possess?

When did the British monarchy actually hand over its legislative powers to the parliament? Why is the monarchy still present today? There seems to be no real need for it anymore. Not only that I think ...
Esha Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Is there a precedent indicating what happens when a UK Prime Minister advises a monarch not to give Royal Assent to legislation passed by Parliament?

A report from Buzzfeed claims that Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government is: Exploring what the consequences would be if Johnson advised the Queen not to give royal assent to any legislation ...
Duck Hunt Duo's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Which are the advantages of monarchy?

Some western democracies are monarchies (UK, Denmark, Spain...). What are the advantages that this system gives to the people, when compared with a presidential system? I want to stress that I'm ...
Masclins's user avatar
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48 votes
3 answers

Could the Queen have stopped Brexit?

If Her Majesty so desired, would she have been allowed to overrule the will of both the people and the House of Commons and prevent the triggering of Article 50? If so, what political backlash would ...
Charlie's user avatar
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26 votes
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What power does the Queen have in the event of a Hung Parliament?

Media reports that Mrs. May (Conservatives) is heading to the Queen soon requesting to form a government, even though her party has no majority. Corbyn & McDonnell (Labour Party) also want to ...
gerrit's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Did any state in recent history become a Monarchy?

Are there any states in recent history - say 1900 and on - which became a monarchy after being a non-monarchy for a significant period of time before that? Monarchy is in a literal sense, with the ...
user1653's user avatar
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2 answers

Within what limits can the prime minister ask the queen to prorogue parliament?

In the UK, the Prime Minister can advise the Queen to prorogue Parliament at any time. Is there any limit on how long this prorogation may last?
gerrit's user avatar
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5 votes
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A Spanish judge has jailed two key members of the Catalan independence movement. Have others been ever accused and convicted for sedition?

As of 16th October 2017, A Spanish judge has jailed two key members of the Catalan independence movement. As the BBC news reports: Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart, who lead prominent separatist ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Is a consitutional monarchy really a democracy?

According to Wikipedia, the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament. Basically meaning a monarchy that is restrained by constitution with a parliament that makes the rules, as ...
Gary Carlyle Cook's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

What options (short of abdication) might a Queen or King of England have to avoid giving royal assent, formally turning a bill into law?

The BBC's April 23, 2024 Rwanda: Why a migrant plane won’t be taking off anytime soon contains the following: While the bill has now passed through Parliament, the quickest a flight can take off is - ...
uhoh's user avatar
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