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Questions tagged [crimea]

Crimea is a peninsula on the eastern end of Ukraine, adjoining Russia. In 2014, the area was seized by Russia and continues to remain a part of Russia, despite Ukrainian protests. Use with the [ukraine] and/or [russian-federation] tags

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21 votes
2 answers

Why did ten countries side with Russia in the UN General Assembly vote on Crimea?

The UN General Assembly just held a vote declaring the Russian annexation of Crimea to be illegal. Eleven countries voted against this resolution: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, ...
Stephen Collings's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't Russia recognize Kosovo if it uses the Kosovo precedent to justify annexing Crimea?

The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea written in 2014 explicitly mentions Kosovo as a precedent for unilateral declarations of independence. This declaration of independence was ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
17 votes
10 answers

How could it happen that Ukrainian soldiers did not try to defend against the invasion?

What I do not understand about the current crisis in Crimea is how this invasion could be successful without anyone firing a gun. Weren't there Ukrainian soldiers stationed in Crimea? Maybe the ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Have anti-Ukraine-war parties in Russia explained what their preferred end state looks like?

There're definitely people in Russia who are against the "special military operation" - c.f. protests after Putin ordered a partial mobilization. Have any of these people explained what ...
Allure's user avatar
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