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Questions tagged [crimea]

Crimea is a peninsula on the eastern end of Ukraine, adjoining Russia. In 2014, the area was seized by Russia and continues to remain a part of Russia, despite Ukrainian protests. Use with the [ukraine] and/or [russian-federation] tags

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23 votes
4 answers

Why did Crimea’s parliament agree to join Ukraine in 1991?

I'm reading Medea Benjamin's War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, which mentions that: Crimea was transferred administratively from the Russian Soviet Republic to the Ukrainian ...
Levinas's user avatar
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Did some UNGA resolutions recognize Crimea as independent or part of Russia? Or Kosovo as part of Serbia, to this day?

Russia has accused "the West" of double standards with respect to secession/self-determination e.g. in 2018 Lavrov said: "Despite numerous resolutions adopted by the UN General ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How many Ukrainian language schools were still open in Crimea in 2021 compared to 2013?

Russia often complains about the treatment of Russian minorities abroad, especially in Ukraine. But how did they treat the Ukrainian minority themselves? E.g. how many Ukrainian language schools are ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
13 votes
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Have anti-Ukraine-war parties in Russia explained what their preferred end state looks like?

There're definitely people in Russia who are against the "special military operation" - c.f. protests after Putin ordered a partial mobilization. Have any of these people explained what ...
Allure's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

Did Kiev refuse to recognise educational documents obtained from Crimean peninsula? And on what grounds?

I was reading this RT opinion piece While opening opportunities for the residents of Crimea and Donbass to study at Ukrainian universities, Kiev refuses to recognize any educational documents ...
Gary 2's user avatar
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What's lacking about the Kerch Strait land bridge, between Crimea and Russia?

In this video, retired US Army General and former CIA Director David Petraeus tells CNN's Jake Tapper how the Ukrainian people have aided their army in killing multiple Russian generals. CNN has not ...
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8 votes
1 answer

Why would the international sanctions against Russia after invading Ukraine in 2022 work while sanctions after the 2014 Crimea crisis didn't work?

Many international sanctions have been announced against Russia after invading Ukraine in Feb. 2022. Why would these sanctions work, while the sanctions against Russia after the Crimea crisis in 2014 ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes
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What would NATO's obligations have been if HMS Defender had been attacked near Crimea?

The United Kingdom is a member of NATO. Does Article 5 bind the allies to defend a member that is in another country's soil, waters or airspace? Suppose that the HMS Defender had been damaged or even ...
Andrei Rînea's user avatar
3 votes
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How is Russia responding to non-military maritime traffic in the legally recognized shipping lane passing within Crimea’s territorial waters?

From the video BBC journalist reports from British warship as Russia “fires warning shots” - BBC News in June 2021 here are some screenshots and transcribed audio (mine but based on BBC's closed ...
uhoh's user avatar
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0 answers

Records of Putin calling Ukraine a 'failed state'? [closed]

Vladimir Putin personally considering Ukraine a 'failed state', or 'not really a country', is a commonly accepted fact in ukrainian media. However I don't have an exact quote, and I couldn't find any ...
WhatHiFi's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Why do Crimeans think so differently of Russia compared to the people of Donetsk/Luhansk?

Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia in 2014, and even in retrospect, Crimean public opinion is strongly in favor of joining Russia (source, source). Comparatively, the rest of Ukraine - ...
Allure's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Did Putin admit to giving the order to send the "little green men" into Crimea in an interview?

In this video journalist Julia Ioffe said that in a "state-sponsored documentary" that aired on "Channel 1", supposedly "the main Kremlin TV channel", Russian president Putin said that he gave the ...
Zebrafish's user avatar
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4 answers

Did any group in Russia oppose Crimean annexation?

Did any group in Russia oppose Crimean annexation? If Yes, I have a few more questions: Were they political groups or non-political groups? What was their objective: only to oppose Putin, or, to ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Why was the Kerch strait bridge built along a long route?

Russia just completed construction of a very long bridge across the Kerch strait - 23km. I was wondering - why didn't it build the bridge along the shorter route, from Chushka port, where the ferry ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't Russia recognize Kosovo if it uses the Kosovo precedent to justify annexing Crimea?

The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea written in 2014 explicitly mentions Kosovo as a precedent for unilateral declarations of independence. This declaration of independence was ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

How can EU/USA consider Russian presidential elections legitimate if non-Russian citizens in Crimea will be able to take part in them?

There will be presidential elections in Russia in March 2018. EU and USA do not considered Crimea as part of Russia, however citizens of that region (around 2 million people) will take part in that ...
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3 votes
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Can French President decide the recognition status of another territory/state?

According to this Wikipedia article, Marine Le Pen promised the recognition of Russian annexation of Crimea if elected as a president: According to Russian media, Le Pen has promised to recognize ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why are the exemptions for travelling from Ukraine to Crimea so narrow?

Courtesy of this answer on Travel.SE, most foreigners aren't allowed to cross from mainland Ukraine into Crimea, with a few narrow exemptions, at least as of 2015. Procedure for entry to the ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Why would the Russian Annexation of Crimea be illegal?

Hillary Clinton answered a journalist's question about Trump appearing on the Larry King Show, a Russian State TV program. She called the annexation of Crimea was illegal. But, there was a legal ...
Dylan Czenski's user avatar
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Who caused the Ukraine crisis, according to Putin?

In reaction to Euromaidan, Putin claimed, that the whole Ukraine crisis was planned by USA and EU. Afterwards he argued that he invaded Ukraine to stop the authoritarian regime taking rule. But ...
Probably's user avatar
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How objectively do Western and Russian media report about the Ukraine crisis in 2015?

I'm sure this is not an easy question, but one that I feel is important. Since the start of the Ukraine crisis of 2015 with the Crimean takeover, I've often heard people from Russia saying things ...
Tacticus's user avatar
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What's going on in Crimea (Ukraine crisis) in simplest terms?

Simply put, what exactly is the whole Ukraine crisis about? I've read things about it, but I haven't really found anything concise and clear. EDIT: Also, how/why is the U.S. involved?
Politics989's user avatar
21 votes
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Why did ten countries side with Russia in the UN General Assembly vote on Crimea?

The UN General Assembly just held a vote declaring the Russian annexation of Crimea to be illegal. Eleven countries voted against this resolution: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, ...
Stephen Collings's user avatar
23 votes
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Are there regions within Russia with a majority population that is not ethnic Russian?

Russia has annexed Crimea, and is making noises about regions of other countries, based on the premise that those regions have a majority population that is ethnic Russian. This makes me wonder, are ...
Stephen Collings's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

What plans do European countries have if Russia closed gas pipelines to them?

Now that Crimean crisis is at its peak, US and EU are trying their best to force Moscow to pull back from Crimea. But all there efforts seem to have no effect on Russia. But if these situations ...
Registered User's user avatar
17 votes
10 answers

How could it happen that Ukrainian soldiers did not try to defend against the invasion?

What I do not understand about the current crisis in Crimea is how this invasion could be successful without anyone firing a gun. Weren't there Ukrainian soldiers stationed in Crimea? Maybe the ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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Is Ukranian crisis one of its kind?

Ukraine is currently going through a big political crisis.Crimea is on verge of separation.There are specific peculiarities of this situation, which I have noted ahead. A country takes over a part of ...
Registered User's user avatar
6 votes
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Does the Russian economy profit from Crimea accession?

Is there any profit for the Russian economy from Crimea accession? It seems like it is not a profitable region, so to me it seems it would be another region which would waste taxpayers money, but ...
Danil Gholtsman's user avatar
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Is there anything suggesting NATO is just waiting for the winter to end before acting in Crimea?

One of the strongest "weapons" Russia has is the power to shut down gas, which Europe needs. Is there anything suggesting that the NATO might have decided to procrastinate actions in Crimea for a few ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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Is the Crimean referendum legal?

Как известно, Верховная Рада Крыма в обход Конституции Украины приняла решение о проведении в Крыму 16 марта референдума по присоединению к России. (src) As was noted, the Supreme Council of Crimea ...
user4012's user avatar
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Soldiers abroad without identifying marks - Crimea situation

There's one issue that I haven't seen discussed about the current Crimea situation that feels strange - what are the international law consequences of having your soldiers abroad without identifying ...
Peteris's user avatar
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How Many Russian Citizens Live in Crimea?

It is reported that about 60% of the population in Crimea (Ukraine) are Russians. My question is: How many percent of the population are Russian citizens?
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