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Role of the 'Judge' during Impeachment [duplicate]

What exactly does the Judge presiding over impeachment hearings do? As of now it is clear that John Roberts will not be sitting in for the second impeachment, and Rand Paul and many Republicans have ...
Bertrand Einstein IV's user avatar
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Is there any the law or procedure regarding non-political conflicts of interest during an impeachment trial in the US Senate?

Is there any the law or procedure regarding conflicts of interest during an impeachment trial in the US Senate? I can think of many for senators on both sides; obviously political conflicts, (...
Matt's user avatar
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Can John Roberts rule on whether witnesses have to testify in the impeachment inquiry?

It was ruled today that Don McGahn, the former White House counsel, needs to testify in the impeachment inquiry. Like most things, I am guessing that this will probably be appealed, and could end up ...
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