Questions tagged [secession]

Questions about the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity. Use with a country or other tag to identify the entity. For question about "local independence" use [local-autonomy], instead. When referring to a civil war, use also the tag: [armed-conflict].

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18 votes
5 answers

What are the steps to become an independent country once independence has been declared?

In How to Become a Country in 3 Easy Steps they mention: Step 1 Declare independence Step 2 Gain recognition Step 3 Join the United Nations Foreign Policy has a similar article How to Start Your Own ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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3 answers

What would be required for states to split off and become their own nation?

What would need to happen for a state such as California or Texas to split off and form its own independent nation? Who would need to agree and what would need passing (bills etc.)?
UKB's user avatar
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3 answers

What will Scotland's status in the EU be, assuming the Scots vote for independence?

The Scots will vote on whether Scotland should be an independent country or not, on September 18, 2014. Assuming the majority vote is for independence, will Scotland remain in the European Union ...
yannis's user avatar
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3 answers

Legal basis for self-determination vs. territorial integrity

There are many examples where self-determination means secession of a territory from a state, typically opposed by the latter. The most obvious recent example are the eastern regions of the Ukraine, ...
FourLegsGoodTwoLegsBad's user avatar
52 votes
3 answers

Do separatist nations inherit any national debt?

Do separatist nations inherit any national debt? For example, given Spain has a debt level of £1.1 trillion at the time of writing, if Catalonia becomes an independent nation is there any legal ...
Charlie's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

In which case is separatism considered legitimate?

What historical background usually gives a nation/minority within another country legal grounds for separatism in the eyes of international community?
qwaz's user avatar
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71 votes
4 answers

Could the UK re-join EU after leaving?

Let's assume that Article 50 is invoked and UK officially leaves EU For some reason, both UK populace (a large share) and enough powers that be or popular will in EU, decide that UK ought to re-join ...
user4012's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Was it illegal for Spain to declare the Catalan independence referendum illegal?

Spain declared the independence referendum of Catalonia illegal. At the time this was reported I was shocked that nobody objected to the Spanish Government's declaration. Even now (two years later), ...
Matthias Schreiber's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How could Scotland become independent given that Theresa May rejected a referendum?

Given the stance of Theresa May on allowing Scotland a second referendum, how could Scotland become independent? In short, if the UK government refused to acknowledge the mandate of the SNP to call a ...
penalosa's user avatar
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4 answers

If Taiwan declares independence, would that mean they are relinquishing their claim over mainland China?

Preface Ever since the communist revolution in China, Taiwan aka the Republic Of China (ROC) has maintained that they are the rightful government of mainland China. The People's Republic of China (...
holaymolay's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

United Nations : Right to Self Determination and Secession working groups?

Article 1, paragraph 2 of the United Nations charter allows for the right of self-determination. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights ...
Jontia's user avatar
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35 votes
7 answers

Do any countries have a procedure that allows a constituent part of that country to become independent unilaterally?

In the last few years, there have been a few attempts made by such territories to achieve independence. Particularly in Europe, we had the cases of Scotland and Catalonia. In the case of Scotland, ...
CDJB's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Could Westminster block the possibility of a referendum on Scottish independence?

With the recent events of Brexit, the SNP wants another referendum. Is it possible that Westminster would block this possibility? How could Scotland become independent without the approval of ...
Gautier C's user avatar
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5 answers

Why do the Spanish government not organize a national referendum for Catalonia independence?

The reason the Spanish government was not willing to allow Catalonia to handle any referendum is because a Spanish province is not allowed to single handedly secede, such decisions should be taken by ...
Bregalad's user avatar
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3 answers

If the independence vote in Catalunya is successful. What are the possible outcomes?

The autonomous parliament of Catalunya is about to hold a referendum to secede from Spain. Given that Catalunya has their own police force. What are the possible outcomes if the Catalan people vote ...
dan-klasson's user avatar
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1 answer

Can a region of Ukraine secede or become part of another country lawfully?

If the population within a region of Ukraine wanted to become a part of Russia (suppose a fair vote was 75% in favor), is there a peaceful legal/government procedure in Ukraine to make this happen? ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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43 votes
8 answers

What can Scotland legally do to get independence?

All conservatives members so far confirmed that it is an absolute No to second Scotland referendum. As per that, assuming that no approval is given for a second referendum in the coming months, is ...
Mocas's user avatar
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5 answers

Why do some Catalans want to become independent?

Why do some Catalans want to become independent? What has changed recently to increase their desire to be independent? I'd like to understand this situation, as I am currently completely ignorant ...
Nacht's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

Why do Australians want to remain under British monarchy?

If I am not wrong they once voted against being a republic country some years ago. I understand Australians and feel sympathy for them about that they are different from some other countries which ...
Persian Cat's user avatar
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Why doesn't Russia recognize Kosovo if it uses the Kosovo precedent to justify annexing Crimea?

The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea written in 2014 explicitly mentions Kosovo as a precedent for unilateral declarations of independence. This declaration of independence was ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
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6 answers

Can Catalonia enter the EU after its independence from Spain?

Catalonia is a region of Spain where a big part of the population wants to be independent from Spain and form its own nation. If that happens, at the beginning, Catalonia as a nation will be out of ...
Ivan's user avatar
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What are the main policy differences between Spain and (hoped-for) Catalonia?

What are the main policy differences between Spain (as exemplified by current government in power) and Catalonia (assuming it obtained its independence/sovereignity right now, and regional government ...
user4012's user avatar
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15 votes
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Why did the LPR and DPR in Donbas not form one People's Republic?

Right now, in the Donbas region of Ukraine, there are two quasi-states — the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). They emerged due to the events of the War in ...
isakbob's user avatar
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How supported is the idea of a fully independent Indian state among US Native Americans?

Some people (e.g. here) accuse USA of supporting other countries' independence movements (Kosovo/Palestine/Tibet/Taiwan, depending on your definition of "support") as being in conflict with the fact ...
user4012's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

What determines whether Western countries (and NATO) recognize separatist movements? (especially when comparing Kosovo and the Donbass)

Consider the following scenario: there is a region in a country inhabited primarily by a different ethnic group than the majority of the rest of the country, and has been living there and composing ...
vsz's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why is Scotland attempting to become independent?

I realize "Scotland" isn't trying to become independent; a group of politicians are trying to make Scotland independent, and a lot of people in Scotland (roughly half, depending on the poll and the ...
Richard Rast's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why does the international community recognise South Sudan independence, but not Somaliland?

Following a bloody civil war, South Sudan declared independence from Sudan after a referendum, an independence which is widely recognised but which was followed by another civil war. Somalia has been ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Can a US state opt to become a territory without leaving the nation as a whole?

This relates to an item legislated by the Texas republican party recently. Overlooking the more regressive and dangerous items, and the frivolous and inconsequential items, they are also throwing the ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is the French support for Frexit (France leaving EU) and why?

But the french also hate the EU. No more than 25% of them still supports it. If such a referendum were to happen in france, the result for leave would probably be much higher - comment on another ...
user4012's user avatar
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1 answer

Do the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to declare independence from Ukraine under the Minsk Agreements?

Recently the DPR and the LPR declared their independence which Russia recognized. This declaration and subsequent recognition are not seen as legitimate by the international community. Is there a ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Are there secessionist movements in regions which lack a distinct language or dialect?

Looking at the list of separatist movements it seems that all of them are focused around a region which has its own language/dialect and an associated culture. But are there any active secessionist ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Would the Spanish People's Party have the capacity to veto Scotland's entry to the EU while governing in minority?

In the UK, the issue of Scottish independence has again become topical, as the Scottish National Party (SNP) have recently published a draft referendum bill (on the 20th of October 2016). One ...
Guambra Feo's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why isn't Northern Ireland demanding a referendum on joining Ireland, similar to the one in Scotland? [duplicate]

Northern Ireland looks like it's in a perfect position for a referendum on leaving the UK: it could instantly join its neighbor Ireland and remain a part of the EU, it has a long history of protesting ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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What would it take for a state to secede from the US? [closed]

What, theoretically, would have to happen for a US state to gain independence from the union and remain independent (i.e. not immediately get invaded by the US and reclaimed)?
Charlotte's user avatar
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4 answers

What could Spain do legally if Cataluña proclaims independence?

It seems there will be a unilateral proclamation. I don’t think Spain will accept this. Can Spain avoid this politically? Stating the referendum was illegal seems to have been ineffective. Is it ...
riccs_0x's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why does SNP support in Scotland seem disproportionate with actual support for independence?

In the recent 2019 UK election the Scottish National Party(SNP), an explicitly pro independence party, increased their share of seats up to 48 out of 55, a commanding majority. However, recent ...
hpotamus's user avatar
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