Questions tagged [rodrigo-duterte]

For questions about Rodrigo Duterte, 16th and current president of the Philippines

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28 votes
2 answers

Is there any evidence that Filipino president Duterte's war on drugs has been successful?

Is there any evidence to suggest that the war on drugs in the Philippines by president Duterte has proven to be successful, with regards to the reduction of drug-related crimes?
Bradley Wilson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Could Duterte run for US president? Is he a U.S. citizen?

After all the Philippines got their independence in 1946 and he was born in 1945 which I believe implies he is a U.S. citizen. If he is a U.S. citizen would there be anything in law forbidding him ...
Somedude's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Were there any significant political events that led to the popularity of Rodrigo Duterte amongst Filipinos?

With an approval rating of 83% in the Philippines and dubbed "The Trump of the east". Were there any significant political events that led to the popularity of Rodrigo Duterte amongst Filipinos thus ...
Bradley Wilson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is Duterte so anti-American under Trump?

I can understand why Duterte had reasons to be anti-American under Obama, who criticized him on human rights ground. But from what I gather (my sources are mainly Asia centric geopolitics podcasts ...
user4012's user avatar
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