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Questions tagged [social-media]

Many people use social media for political purposes. Questions here should focus on the political aspects of social media usage, and not broader usage questions.

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2 answers

Why is the Young America's Foundation talking about social issues all day long? [closed]

Why is the Young America's Foundation (in particular its iconic people like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles) talking about social issues all day long? Just look at their YouTube channel......
Starckman's user avatar
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Can the U.S. government do anything to prevent Bytedance from taking it to the Supreme Court after the ban?

Tiktok's US subsidiary of the company Bytedance has decided to take the matter to the Supreme Court after the US government decided to ban it. Can the US government can do anything to prevent this, or ...
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11 votes
1 answer

Is there any other Republican who is against a TikTok ban?

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on Tuesday that the proposed TikTok ban “makes no sense,” ahead of an expected vote on the House floor on Wednesday. In an interview with NewsNation’s Leland Vitter on “On ...
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-2 votes
1 answer

Are Chinese social networks "ablaze with antisemitism"? [closed]

This article with reference to an Israeli diplomat in China says that Chinese social networks are "ablaze with antisemitism". I wonder if this is true? Notice also that on the day of the ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Does social media exacerbate political meddling?

On the back of a previous (now-closed) question: What makes the West susceptible to political interference and foreign meddling? There has always been a baseline degree to which states seek to ...
Steve's user avatar
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What arguments support claims that the Biden Administration used "threat and coercion" when telling social media that they "have to take speech down"?

In the July 6, 2023 PBS Newshour video Judge limits government's contact with social media companies after GOP states sue after about 02:00, Host Amna Nawaz begins: ..Several Republican state ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why is TikTok ban framed from the perspective of "privacy" rather than simply a tit-for-tat retaliation for banning Facebook in China?

There's currently tons of disputes in the media over the extent to which TikTok is supposed to be "spying" on US users and (afaik) the planned ban, if executed, will be done on the grounds ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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22 votes
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What are “Russian nationalist military bloggers”?

In a recent article, Anger in Russia as scores of troops killed in one of Ukraine war's deadliest strikes. Polityuk, Pavel, there is a reference to “Russian nationalist military bloggers”. One such ...
Eliot G York's user avatar
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4 answers

What would violate First Amendment rights by government action on social media?

The Twitter Files have been released over recent weeks. There have been quite a few claims, counter claims, people with their metaphorical hair metaphorically on-fire, etc., about exactly what ...
BillOnne's user avatar
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Did Twitter's unbanning of accounts equally unban left and right leaning accounts?

There is a lot of debate over Musk's recent actions with Twitter, which basically boils down to whether it is better allowing freedom of expression and/or countering Twitter's previous left leaning ...
dsollen's user avatar
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7 answers

Are there really any " leaders who have no other diplomatic channel to speak to one another..." besides Twitter?

At about 03:58 in NBC News' New Wave Of Resignations Hit Twitter After Musk's Ultimatum For Employees, NBC technology correspondent Jake Ward says the following about current events in Twitter and ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What is the point of a country blocking social media in response to an act of terror?

A bomb went off in Turkey today, killing some people in a crowded tourist area. Turkey has blocked many social media outlets so that those using in the country can't access them (Twitter, Youtube, ...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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Correlation between companies' tariff exemptions/exclusions and political social media postings

The U.S. has recently had tariffs on the import of steel under two administrations by opposing political parties. I would assume, but don't know, that a 25% difference in the cost of raw materials ...
Mike Serfas's user avatar
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5 answers

Why do conservatives who disagree with social media censorship not just switch to blogs/RSS?

Many conservatives believe that social media companies should not be able to block users based on politics. However, they keep using the social media platforms, and even those who have been blocked ...
Someone's user avatar
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Are there examples of Russian "disinformation" on social media that tried to influence the last two US presidential elections?

I understand there were some hacks, like the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak, but along with any citations of those few items are often watery assertions that "Russian ...
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What sanctions is the UK parliament considering against social media executives?

According to a recent article by the Guardian, a new digital watchdog will be set up with the power to impose fines upto 10% of global revenue. In the case of Facebook, this will be upto £10 billion. ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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What is the reason for blocking Russian duma Youtube channel?

According to BBC News the Russian duma's YouTube channel was blocked. What is the reason for that given that this would potentially mean that YouTube will be banned in Russia and the alternative ...
Piotr Golacki's user avatar
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What are the legal implications of all servers being in Russia? [closed] is the most used social media site in Russia. According to its Wikipedia page it is majority-owned by Sogaz, a Russian energy company. When I tried to connect to it from the US, it connected ...
wrod's user avatar
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Is it legitimate/constitutional for the White House to turn off the comments on their YouTube videos?

I wonder if it is legitimate/constitutional for the White House to turn off their comments on YouTube videos, as they are doing currently. In 2019. Trump was banned from blocking the critics on his ...
No One's user avatar
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What is the political (moral) justification for terminating the employment of workers for moral reasons completely unrelated to their job? [closed]

In my country there was a recent moral panic, where it was discovered that a popular TV host had uploaded videos with private moments of his (now ex) girlfriend online. After this event was made ...
user000001's user avatar
46 votes
10 answers

Why do Republicans want to break up Facebook?

Republicans are generally against government meddling in business. Yet many Republicans are threatening to break up Facebook after the decision to ban Trump as seen here, here, here, or here. If the ...
Nabil Farhan's user avatar
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Why does Joe Biden always tweet from @POTUS and not @JoeBiden?

I have noticed that ever since Joe Biden took office, he has tweeted from @POTUS. However Donald Trump, for example, tweeted primarily from his personal account, which is suspended. When @JoeBiden ...
Number File's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Cancel Culture"?

This expression has getting popular these days. Googling it led to the explanation from Wikipedia that says: Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is ...
r13's user avatar
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Has the freedom of speech been compromised in the US by social media companies banning Trump? [duplicate]

Freedom of speech is defined as: The right to express any opinion in public without censorship or restraint by the government, protected in the United States as a right under the First Amendment to ...
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2 answers

Why doesn't China allow American social media companies to operate in China?

As far as I realize, being an authoritarian regime, China is continuously concerned with a possible uprising. So, they do not want to let the free flow of information and western thought process "...
user366312's user avatar
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Any mechanism in the US to decide what is conspiracy theory, and what is not? [closed]

It is obviously important to divide truth from conspiracy theories. Truth is good, and conspiracy theories are bad and disturbing. But how would common citizen know what is good, and what is bad? For ...
user2501323's user avatar
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What is the status of regulation of Social Media Companies in the US?

Twitter and Facebook (and other social media sites) recently became the focus of a lot of attention for the role they did or did not play in allowing the spread of information (or disinformation) ...
Burt's user avatar
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Does US Federal Law explicitly prohibit election misinformation?

According to the latest rumor about pro-Trump influencer arrested on charges of conspiring with others in advance of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election to use various social media platforms to ...
user2501323's user avatar
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What is the rationale behind Angela Merkel's criticism of Donald Trump's ban on Twitter?

According to CNBC, Angela Merkel (via her chief spokesman) criticized Donald Trump's ban on Twitter. “The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance,” Steffen Seibert, Merkel’s chief ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Today, 6 Jan 2021, Twitter deleted three tweets by Donald Trump. What did they say?

What did the three tweets say?
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Trump vs Section 230

I see that Trump is against Section 230. As I understand it, it relieves social media platforms from the liability associated with the content shared by 3rd parties, which I think should enable free ...
amphibient's user avatar
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Has any European far-right party managed to enter the legislative body relying almost exclusively on social media promoting?

Romanian has recently held the general elections and a far-right party managed to enter the Parliament. This is not a surprise in itself since the COVID-19 crisis helps rising the popularity of such ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why so much censorship on Trump's statements? [closed]

After the 2009 Iranian presidential election, in which some people opposed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's reelection, Hillary Clinton defended U.S. efforts to ensure that the Twitter social networking service ...
user 1's user avatar
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censoring internet/social media content [closed]

I'm looking for academic views on the issue of internet censorship. The censorship I'm interested on is not at the level of what China does. It's just that, given as how social networking sites such ...
jboy's user avatar
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Can Twitter/Facebook actions on NYP article really be called "censorship"? [duplicate]

Recently, after New York Post placed an article about Hunter Biden ties with Ukraine business, Twitter and Facebook started to restrict spreading of it. Trump immediately called this a censorship: So ...
user2501323's user avatar
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Have fake-news regulations in the Western world lead to the backfire effect?

To my knowledge, anti-fake news laws being implemented in France, Germany and Singapore in the Western world. Many studies like this one mention the psychological studies which acknowledge the ...
Probably's user avatar
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Does Facebook have a program that regularly checks their employees' (especially their content moderator teams) political involvements?

Recently, here in the Philippines, there's news that Facebook took down an account/group/page of an organization named "Hands Off Our Children". This is an organization that fights for ...
Alex Pappas's user avatar
18 votes
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Is it unconstitutional for a public US official to block someone on social media for disagreement?

I read that public officials blocking people on Twitter goes against the 1st amendment. So, what is the difference? President Trump blocked someone on Twitter. A court got involved and said that this ...
Michael Mormon's user avatar
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What are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube's policy toward Kashmir?

I heard that Facebook and other social media platforms are censoring any news or information regarding the Indian administered Kashmir which goes against the Indian government's policy toward Kashmir. ...
user366312's user avatar
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What retaliatory actions could Trump take against Twitter?

Today, for the first time, Twitter attached a warning label in a tweet from president Trump. As a reaction, he tweeted: ....Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH, and I, as President, will not ...
Megaptera novaeangliae's user avatar
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What rights do I have as an American citizen when major social websites censor certain news stories or other public opinions? [closed]

Are we not entitled as American citizens to expect U.S. based social web empires like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., to let us determine for ourselves what is factual and what is not as ...
ShieldOfSalvation's user avatar
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How would Iran have benefited from interference in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum? [closed]

At the end of April, Facebook published a report detailing over 50 networks which were removed from the platform due to 'coordinated inauthentic behavior' (CIB). In particular, over 500 pages, groups, ...
CDJB's user avatar
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Are there any successful decentralised approaches to combating fake news?

There seem to be centralised approaches to combating fake news, such as Youtube suppressing fake news about coronavirus. Are there any decentralised approaches though? When most people share a news ...
Max Murphy's user avatar
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Have any of Trump's tweets been filtered out in Germany (under NetzDG)?

I've read an article that in Germany users can and do report online hate-speech contents under NetzDG, a law that imposes heavy fines on companies that do not take down such contents relatively ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
-1 votes
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Did Obama tweet in any foreign languages during his presidency?

During Obama's presidency, did he tweet (or otherwise post on social media) in any foreign languages, akin to Trump's tweet in Farsi today? (And yes, I'm aware that he probably didn't type out that ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Did Sondland confirm that he asked or suggested that Yovanovitch should start tweeting in support of Trump?

In her written (Nov 5) deposition ambassador Yovanovitch related the following meeting with Sondland, in which Sondland asked her to "go big or go home": Yovanovitch said she raised ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
33 votes
8 answers

Why does the media continue to hide the identity of the Trump-Ukraine whistle blower when they have already been outed?

Setting aside usually polarised US politics, the situation (at least for an outsider like me) looks quite bizarre. The identity of the whistle blower has been common knowledge among anyone who ...
Shadow1024's user avatar
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Have there been any prior cases of US social media employees charged with spying for (or interfering on behalf of) a foreign power?

NBC reports that two Twitter employees have been charged in the Northern District of California for spying for the Saudis. Saudis recruited Twitter workers to spy on critics of Saudi regime, U.S. ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
23 votes
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Do European politicians typically put their pronouns on their social media pages?

Probably in an effort to embrace or promote transfeminism, some US politicians now list their pronouns on their twitter pages, e.g. Elizabeth Warren lists "she/her". (It's a big cultural trend to ask ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
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Does the FBI investigate social media accounts (on Twitter, Facebook etc.) for foreign influence?

As it turns out from a related question, the FBI has a Foreign Influence Task Force, which among other things does: Private sector partnerships: The FBI considers strategic engagement with U.S. ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar