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What is/was the proposal to establish an European Monetary Fund mainly about?

Apparently the EMF was a shot-down proposal of how to reform/expand the ESM. Alas the documentation I found is rather vague [at summary level] along the lines of: The European Commission's proposal ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
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Is there a summary of Varoufakis' EuroLeaks?

As some kind of protest against the EU's latest action(s), former finance minister of Greece Varoufakis has released some tapes of his conversations with the Troika etc., which seem to date back to ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
6 votes
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Have the EU countries been diverging economically for the past two decades, despite rules convergence?

By divergence or convergence I don't mean in terms of rules, they clearly have been trying to converge in those terms. But was that fast enough to translate into economic convergence? I mean, have the ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to explain the importance of European Parliament elections to a regular folk living in Eastern Europe?

European Parliament elections are coming in 2019 and on several occasions I have heard various public figures arguing about their importance and that it is very important to show up and vote. However, ...
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How would one explain the E.U. to a 5 year-old?

As the European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, it would be interesting to have an explanation of the E.U. which a 5 year-old would understand. Is there anybody who can give such an ...
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