Questions tagged [venezuela]

Questions relating to the government or politics of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

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51 votes
4 answers

Why has Venezuela's economy collapsed when Cuba's has not?

Cuba and Venezuela seem to share a lot in common. Both are effectively Socialist dictatorships. Cuba's government has been Communist for many years, while Venezuela has been socialist for much less. ...
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48 votes
2 answers

How is Juan Guaido able to claim the Presidency of Venezuela without an election?

In the last few weeks, Juan Guaido, the head of the Venezuelan National Assembly, has been increasingly referring to himself as the legitimate President, as opposed to Nicholas Maduro who held dubious ...
Machavity's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Why does Venezuela have such high inflation?

Background: In late 2013, Venezuela's inflation rates increased even higher, to 54.3%, As of January 2014, the official exchange rate is 1 USD to 6.3 VEF while the black market exchange rate is ...
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9 votes
1 answer

How democratic was Venezuela when Hugo Chavez was elected?

How democratic was Venezuela when Hugo Chavez was elected? Freedom of speech? Level of corruption? Rule of law?
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