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Does China have a mechanism for allowing whistleblowers within the government to speak out and protect them?

Does China have a mechanism for allowing whistleblowers within the government to speak out and protect them? Over the past few years, the Chinese government has on numerous occasions highlighted the ...
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How does Executive Privilege override the clear provision of statute at 5 U.S.C. App. §8H (c) on Whistle Blower Complaints?

With respect to the testimony of Acting Director of National Intelligence McGuire before the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House of Representatives on September 26, 2019, that as a ...
Richard Struss's user avatar
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Was the whistleblower in the Ukraine scandal legally required to make his report?

When talking about impeaching Trump, everyone mentions a whistleblower. I am under the impression that this means that who he is is not public information. If he knew such sensitive information, was ...
Burt's user avatar
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What kind of country would offer Snowden the most secure asylum?

What kind of country would offer Edward Snowden the most secure asylum? Would it be a country with a strong commitment to human rights? A country that is not on friendly terms with the United States? ...
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