Over the last few years, India has been getting closer with the US camp while also maintaining a relationship with Russia as to arms trade. According to [a US report][1], India has been the largest importer of Russian arms since 2016. The latest Indian arms deal that made headlines was the S400 air defense system. The USA was supposed to put sanctions on India through the CAATSA act. However, after assessing India's stubbornness and considering the Chinese threat, the USA backed down. Over the past few years, China and Pakistan got closer to Russia. Also, because of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, India will surely not be able to import large-scale arms from Russia. On the other hand, if India doesn't maintain a healthy relationship with Russia, China and Pakistan would chip in. How can India reconcile with this new reality as to the relationship with Russian Federation? [1]: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46937#:~:text=Despite%20its%20global%20presence%2C%20Russia,of%20Russian%20arms%20since%202016.