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Mozibur Ullah
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How come no bank chiefs in the US & UK went to prison for the financial crash of 2008?

This story by Forbes points that the only bank chiefs in the financial crisis that engulfed the Western world in 2007/8 were from Iceland:

This is where the worlds only bank chiefs imprisoned in connection with 2008 financial crisis are serving their terms. Kviabryggja is home to Sigudur Einarsonn, Kaupthing Banks onetime chairman and Hriedar Mar Siggurdson, the banks former chief executive officer, who were convicted of market manipulation and fraud shortly before the collapse of what was Icelands No.1 lender ... in sentencing these financiers to serve terms upto 5 & 1/2 years the Icelandic courts have done something what authorities in the two great banking capitals, New York and London haven't: They've made bankers answer for the crimes of the crash.

The emphasis is in the original article.

Given the experience that New York and London have with finance one would have expected this to be the reverse. That they would have been the first to locate, charge and imprison those responsible.

When was the last time that the UK & US had the political will to prosecute serious and systemic financial wrong-doing at the highest levels that resulted in prison sentences and not just fines. How many were put in prison, for how long and from what institutions?

Mozibur Ullah
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