Claims of potential foreign interference into the 2020 presidential election have been made as far back as October 2018, when the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) [warned][1] of interference from countries such as China, Russia, & Iran. More recently, in July 2019, the director of the FBI [gave evidence][2] to a Senate Judiciary Committee, stating that "The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections". In the last month, FBI officials have [warned][3] that Russia was interfering in the elecion in order to see President Trump re-elected, while the Washington Post [reported][4] that Bernie Sanders had been warned that Russian intelligence was seeking to help his efforts in the Democratic primary. In the last couple of days, India has also [weighed in][5], threatening to interfere in the presidential election to stop Bernie Sanders becoming president, due to his remarks about unrest in the Indian capital, which he described as "widespread anti-Muslim mob violence". What has been the response in the US to all these threats or perceived threats? I'm interested in the response from US intelligence agencies, the response from elected US officials, and any polling data on this topic amongst the American populace. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: