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242 votes

Why couldn't Republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare so many times under Obama do it under a Republican president?

Why couldn't they pass a single one of their many, previously-successful proposals under a Republican president? The simple answer is that you're measuring "successful" by how many votes were ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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219 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

These are a few reasons why each group is against Obamacare. With individuals — It requires nearly all Americans to get health insurance. Some do not think that the government should force citizens ...
Panda's user avatar
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63 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

Tax cuts I could understand a candidate promising tax cuts and then after being elected scrapping Obamacare to pay for them. Obamacare repeal includes tax cuts: .9% Medicare tax surcharge on high ...
Brythan's user avatar
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59 votes

How does Obamacare save lives?

In a nutshell, the income threshold necessary to qualify for Medicaid (the poverty line prior to Medicaid expansion) is lower than the amount of income needed to pay for the medical care that Medicaid ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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59 votes

Why couldn't Republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare so many times under Obama do it under a Republican president?

It's not that the Republicans couldn't pass the AHCA, but that they didn't want to. It is difficult to just repeal the ACA, which is why the Republicans went from a repeal-only to a repeal-and-...
tim's user avatar
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47 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

There's a couple of other factors in play here as well Obama intentionally lied about the effects of the bill A politician lying is nothing new, but your typical political lie is of the statistical ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 53.1k
45 votes

Why is the ACA individual mandate the most lambasted part of the ACA when the ACA couldn't be funded without it?

You are overthinking this. The individual mandate is unpopular because it penalizes people who want to spend their money on something other than health insurance. Worse, it is a regressive tax, as ...
Brythan's user avatar
  • 90.3k
44 votes

Why couldn't Republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare so many times under Obama do it under a Republican president?

@tim has given a good answer in terms of the specific vote. However it's also worth looking at the reason why the Republicans couldn't get behind a replacement. The problem that the ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
  • 21.2k
43 votes

How does insurance birth control work in the United States?

It seems like the core of your question comes down to a misunderstanding about how health insurance works in the US. I'm going to make the assumption that you come from a country where basic medical ...
divibisan's user avatar
  • 26k
37 votes

Is the Affordable Care Act safe after the Republicans failed to repeal it?

Theoretically, the Republicans can try to repeal it again, as many times and for as long as they want - or at least until they get thrown out of office by mad voters. In practice, the longer it's ...
Denis de Bernardy's user avatar
37 votes

Why is the ACA individual mandate the most lambasted part of the ACA when the ACA couldn't be funded without it?

The individual mandate requires people to act responsibly at a cost to their wallet/budget. There is a general theme that irresponsible selfishness = freedom that gets pandered to more and more in a ...
PoloHoleSet's user avatar
33 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

One reason might be that many Americans apparently did not know that the vilified Obamacare is what is paying for their health insurance.
Edheldil's user avatar
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33 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

This answer is meant to supplement others here with some further reasons why conservatives are against the Obamacare system. Obama falsely promised the public some critical things about the system ...
wberry's user avatar
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29 votes

Why couldn't Republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare so many times under Obama do it under a Republican president?

Some good ideas already, but I wanted to add some. From general to specific: It is easier to join a disagreement than to agree on something. If a road has a speed limit of 80 km/h, Alice can think ...
SJuan76's user avatar
  • 33k
26 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

First, read @Panda's excellent answer. Second, note that about 70% of Democrats, and 15% of Republicans favor the Affordable Care Act, and this has been consistent over the past couple of years. This ...
mightypile's user avatar
25 votes

Why is the ACA individual mandate the most lambasted part of the ACA when the ACA couldn't be funded without it?

First off, the answer to your actual question is easy. You ask "how could a politician lambast the individual mandate if it's crucial to the ACA." The obvious answer is that, generally speaking, the ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
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21 votes

Why haven't Democrats implemented Obamacare state by state?

In order to implement Romneycare in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney had to get waivers from the federal government. In particular, Romneycare made changes to how Medicaid money was spent. Since both ...
Brythan's user avatar
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20 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

Another reason is that it does nothing to address the underlying problems. Indeed, it seems to me (though I have no hard data) that it actually worsens those problems: Medical care, especially basic ...
jamesqf's user avatar
  • 12.5k
20 votes

How does insurance birth control work in the United States?

You can think of the health insurance product as two pieces that are purchased together. One is coverage for health risks, that is illnesses. This is what you're thinking of as "insurance". The second ...
user71659's user avatar
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19 votes

How does insurance birth control work in the United States?

TL;DR The customer pays the insurance provider money. Then the insurance provider allows the customer to spend this money on birth control, be it pills or more invasive medical procedures. Health ...
default locale's user avatar
18 votes

How many Americans are actually uninsured?

How many Americans are uninsured? According to the Bureau of the Census, in 2016 there were 27.3 million uninsured people in America. This was based on the American Community Survey, which is ...
indigochild's user avatar
16 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

One thing that other answers have missed is that it doesn't actually fix anything. It was supposed to make health care more affordable, but it did nothing of the sort. Health care in the US is broken ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
16 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

I can only give you my reasons and examples that back them up. Loss of the rite to choose level of care First we have to look at the fact that with the transition to the ACA we lost the right to ...
coteyr's user avatar
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15 votes

Why is the ACA individual mandate the most lambasted part of the ACA when the ACA couldn't be funded without it?

Quite simply, the individual mandate is the part of the law that requires that ordinary people do something, so it is the part of the law most visible to those ordinary people. While some critics of ...
Deolater's user avatar
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14 votes

Why has Susan Collins rejected all attempted forms of healthcare reform as it relates to the ACA lately?

Your original title question was a tad misleading/presumptive: she has never rejected all forms of healthcare reform. She has only rejected the most recent handful of attempts made by Republicans in ...
zibadawa timmy's user avatar
13 votes

Why was pre-Obama healthcare considered by some to be a failed market?

It's not that the market was failed. The problem was the market was distorted and Democrats had some ideas on how to fix it (there wasn't a broad consensus on Single Payer, but Obamacare instituted ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 53.1k
13 votes

Is the Affordable Care Act safe after the Republicans failed to repeal it?

No, the Republicans are able to introduce further bills or amendments to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act. This week's vote is in fact the second attempt by Republicans at healthcare reform, ...
Panda's user avatar
  • 46.7k
12 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare? I guess you could say I'm against Obamacare, but I think it's more fair to say that I'm mad at the system, of which the ACA is a part. I want to give you ...
Brendan's user avatar
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11 votes

How does insurance birth control work in the United States?

It's in the insurance company's best interest to encourage any behavior which reduces further payouts. That's why they cover preventative measures, like screenings, wellness visits, etc. Birth ...
David Rice's user avatar
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