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47 votes

Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

Americans on the Right tend to be Evangelical Christians. As Jerusalem is holy to Christians (as well as being central to several Christian prophecies), there is a decently broad base of Christians ...
Machavity's user avatar
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35 votes

Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

You perceive an inconsistency because your definitions are inaccurate. TL;DR The American right wing is not fascist or anti-Semitic, and it supports Israel because Israel is a democracy, a long-time ...
TheLeopard's user avatar
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Why does Germany's traffic light coalition seem more likely than ever before?

It is a gross simplification to order parties on a left-right axis, but when one does that it becomes Linke - Grüne - SPD - FDP - Union (CDU/CSU) - AfD Historically, the SPD and CDU were the largest ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

To what extent are they? The notion that the Republican Party is pro-Israel is only partly correct. Support for Israel has come from both Democratic and Republican politicians. Barack Obama, despite ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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14 votes

Why does Germany's traffic light coalition seem more likely than ever before?

TLDR: While there are other political reasons that speak against another formation of a Grand Coalition, it had already been unpopular after the election in 2017 so that if there were an attempt to ...
AuronTLG's user avatar
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Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

Political support for Israel is bi-partisan and has been for decades. There's very little daylight between Democrats and Republicans regarding Israel. There are many reasons for bi-partisan support ...
Icarian's user avatar
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9 votes

Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

American politics as a whole is pro-Israel. This is apparent if you compare the US stance versus the rest of the world. No other country offers Israel nearly as much unconditional support as the US ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
8 votes

Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

You won't get a straight answer to this question simply by looking for reasons. But you may understand it better if you look for the causes. There is a degree of enamor with Israel that the US has ...
grovkin's user avatar
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8 votes

Why are right-wing politicians in the US typically pro-Israel?

Far and away the best indicator of far right support in the USA is the person identifying as an Evangelical Christian. The overlap isn't complete of course, but this is the one personal fact with the ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Why does Germany's traffic light coalition seem more likely than ever before?

Note: When I refer to parties, I will be counting CDU/CSU as one except where I spell out CDU without CSU. As usual, I believe the situation cannot be understood without knowing where we came from. A ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there some systematic attempts to evaluate how pro-Christian-Right presidential policies have been?

There are articles which present the idea that Ronald Reagan "stiff-armed" the religious right, George H.W. Bush did not trust the religious right George H.W. Bush regarded televangelists like Pat ...
guest271314's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do Christian democratic parties often name themselves "popular" and "people's"?

As far the EPP goes, it does seem that "people's"/"popular" (actually the German word "volk") was chosen as to seemingly broaden the appeal of the group, although you might as well see the naming as ...
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