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6 votes

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

Brazil has a quota system for increasing access for underrepresented groups to public universities, which are generally higher-ranked than private ones. To achieve this, 50% of places are reserved for ...
Heliton Martins's user avatar
-2 votes

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

The old Ottoman empire had a system of millets established in 1454 that allowed ethnic minorities certain rights and a degree of autonomy especially regrading family and religious law. Baskin Oran is ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
3 votes

Are millennials and generation Z more politically conscious than previous generations?

An addendum to Phillips answer. The graph is better if you show where people exist. This isn't accounting for general trends like others mentioned, but looking at compositions, we can see a consistent ...
Mars's user avatar
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1 vote

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

It really depends on how you define "white" and "privilege", but presumably any non-White country with blasphemy laws would count. In many places, blasphemy laws only are applied ...
HanMah's user avatar
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23 votes

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

Taiwan is 90+% Han Chinese, but has a number of affirmative action policies for the local indigenous population, including racial quotas for public sector jobs. Under the Indigenous Peoples ...
TenthJustice's user avatar
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3 votes

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

India provides special privileges to ethnic minority Muslims. There are other several such privileges to under developed communities such as scheduled caste and scheduled tribes.
Up-In-Air's user avatar
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14 votes

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

The "One Child Policy" of China was, at least in principle, not applied to members of ethnic minorities with fewer than 10 million people. That is to say, in principle, non-han Chinese could ...
James K's user avatar
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10 votes

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

Malays in (Chinese-majority) Singapore enjoyed free secondary through tertiary education from 1960 to around 1990.
user103496's user avatar
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3 votes

Are millennials and generation Z more politically conscious than previous generations?

While Voice and Equality focuses heavily on class differences and the influence of money in political participation, Verba, Schlozman, and Brady (1995) did not take an in depth look into the ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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19 votes

Are millennials and generation Z more politically conscious than previous generations?

"Political consciousness" is hard to measure directly. But if we consider election participation a good proxy for interest in politics, then we can indeed see a trend in this statistic about ...
Philipp's user avatar
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