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47 votes

Did Trump vote illegally?

Did Trump vote illegally? Not based on whether Mar-a-Lago is a residence, even those with no residence can vote. See, Registering and voting in Florida, even if you don’t have a permanent address or ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
35 votes

Obscure vote by mail clause in FL law

This is a clarification of a regulation that may have been misunderstood in the past. If the signature matches that held on file then the vote can be counted, whether the signature crosses the seal ...
James K's user avatar
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31 votes

Why is Trump moving to Florida?

What does it mean that he is moving? He changed his permanent residence from Trump Tower in NYC to Mar-a-Lago in Florida, not actually moving. The change was made September 27th. Also, do we know ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
7 votes

What are the repercussions of a poorly designed ballot?

If a ballot design is determined to have caused a number of people to unintentionally skip a vote on the ballot, are any steps taken to ensure all votes are counted? No. Ballot design needs to be ...
Brythan's user avatar
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7 votes

Could Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" bill be used to ban talk of straight relationships?

No, but actually Yes Formally it is said that the law only applies to "classroom discussion", and only when not "age appropriate". The intended takeaway is supposed to be its to ...
bharring's user avatar
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6 votes

Could Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" bill be used to ban talk of straight relationships?

No. The law doesn't say talks on sexual orientation or gender identity are prohibited in class but that it should only be taught or discussed as per the academic standards set by the state for these ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the latest time a House seat can be filled in Florida via special election?

At the very latest, 104 days before the start of the new Congress - unless no session of Congress is scheduled before the expiry of the term, in which case no special election is required. Section 100....
CDJB's user avatar
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5 votes

How does Florida's Governor DeSantis explain that Common Core is bad for Florida & why are Math textbooks referencing it rejected for use there?

How does Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis explain that Common Core is bad for Florida and why textbooks referencing it are rejected for use in the state? There appear to be only general statements by ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
5 votes

NAACP Florida travel advisory really about traveling to/in Florida, or about moving/living there? How often to they issue political travel advisories?

It's not a literal travel advisory like you'd see for traveling to Ukraine or Somalia or Afghanistan. Rather, it's a statement of opposition by the NAACP against the state of Florida. On a shallow ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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4 votes

Have other US state governors tried to invoke executive privilege previously, or is Florida's DeSantis the first? If so, are some successful?

Q: Have other US state governors tried to invoke executive privilege previously, or is Florida's DeSantis the first? If so, are some successful? From AP News, January 13, 2020 — Tennessee Gov. Bill ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
3 votes

County Clerk of Court, elected office, general information request

I'm doing candidate research for the local election at the end of the month. This answer is more than six years late for a timely response, but may be useful to others. Q: Where can I find general ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
3 votes

Why does Broward County FL need to apply a voter fraud law around handling of provisional ballots?

Controversy of voting fraud law relates to the actions of election officers in processing the ballots, not the individual voter cited in the article originally linked to the question. Contrary to ...
Burt_Harris's user avatar
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3 votes

Does Florida have a tenant-friendly political system?

The difference is largely a product of the fact that a larger share of voters in much of the Northeast are tenants relative to much of the rest of the United States, primarily due to low rates of home ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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2 votes

Does the Florida grand jury's report support its assertion of "malevolence" when it comes to the illegal immigration industry?

Context for the quoted language provides a bit more insight. It says: The Order empaneling our jury instructs us to focus on those who arrive illegally to our country and thence to our state, those ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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2 votes

What contributing factors would make the Florida “gain time” bill be signed into law in 2021?

Background The Florida legislature meets for only 60 days per year. This year's session will begin March 2, 2021, and last through April 30, 2021. See, 2021 Session Dates. Bills not passed during the ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
2 votes

Does Governor Ron DeSantis have to the power to stop Trump's extradition?

Does Governor Ron DeSantis have to the power to stop Trump's extradition? If any criminal charges were brought against Trump for violation of laws of the United States, the FBI would deal with the ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
1 vote

Why are open carry laws opposite of what would be expected in Oregon and Florida?

Despite the population centers of Oregon being solid democrat strong holds, they are all in Coastal Oregon. Oregon's interior is less developed and more rugged (and reliably Red otherwise) and tend ...
hszmv's user avatar
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1 vote

What makes a law proposal eligible for voting by the public?

Any amendment to the state constitution has to be approved by the voters and it needs to pass with 60% of the vote to be approved.,_Florida_Constitution#Section_5 (...
Joe W's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the problem with Broward County Fl election results?

The Sun Sentinel in Florida says Why was the vote counting going so slowly? When counting resumed Thursday, tens of thousands of ballots remained to be processed, long after other counties had ...
BurnsBA's user avatar
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