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83 votes

Why is the FBI making such a big deal out Hillary Clinton's private email server?

Why is the FBI making such a big deal out Hillary Clinton's private email server? Because she: Violated laws and rules by using personal email server Performed actions that risked classified ...
user4012's user avatar
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76 votes

Why did people still chant "Lock her up" at Trump rallies in 2019?

Two Minutes Hate People loved chanting "lock her up". So why should they stop? In some sense, that's why no effort has been made - actually locking up Clinton, or trying to, would detract ...
pjc50's user avatar
  • 22.2k
73 votes

Did Hillary Clinton actually lose because supporters thought she would win in a landslide?

It's probably better to say Hillary Clinton's campaign thought she was going to do well in some key states she lost. Most notably Michigan [Service Employees International Union(SEIU)] — which had ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 51.6k
59 votes

What specifically did Hillary Clinton say or do, to seem untrustworthy to Americans?

There's a lot of things, most easily found through Google ("lies Hillary Clinton told" produces many results). Political Insider suggests: Dead Broke – In an interview, Clinton stated that ...
Brythan's user avatar
  • 90.1k
52 votes

Did Hillary Clinton actually lose because supporters thought she would win in a landslide?

Hillary Clinton lost due to a confluence of multiple factors, and this question as written suffers from the fallacy of the single cause. Clinton's loss was indeed partially caused by people who ...
krubo's user avatar
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49 votes

Did Hillary Clinton win the popular vote by 2.09 or 2.22 percentage points?

Yes - the official totals according to the FEC were: Trump - 62,984,828 (46.09% of all 136,669,276 votes) Clinton - 65,853,514 (48.18% of all 136,669,276 votes) So in terms of difference in popular ...
CDJB's user avatar
  • 108k
47 votes

Did Biden win every state (that he won) by more votes than Clinton?

Yes, though it's not a meaningful statement. According to the results by state on wikipedia (2016 results and 2020 results), Biden received more votes than Clinton in every state, not just the ones he ...
divibisan's user avatar
  • 26k
46 votes

Is Hillary Clinton a super delegate in 2020?

No, she is not. In order to qualify as a superdelegate, you must be (in addition to being a Democrat) at least one of: A member of either house of the US Congress (including non-voting delegates) [...
Joe C's user avatar
  • 28k
33 votes

What does Brett Kavanaugh mean with "revenge on behalf of the Clintons"?

In 2012 when Mitt Romney was campaigning for president, CNN reported on the possibilities for US Supreme Court Justices that may come along with Romney. The Second of nine names was Kavanaugh. (The ...
elliot svensson's user avatar
31 votes

Why is the FBI making such a big deal out Hillary Clinton's private email server?

Setting aside the question of whether Clinton is legally culpable, the FBI has confirmed that the servers constituted a data spill of classified information, the extent of which is presumably ...
IllusiveBrian's user avatar
29 votes

What specifically did Hillary Clinton say or do, to seem untrustworthy to Americans?

I think that the main reason many Americans don't trust Hillary are the scandals mentioned by @Brythan in his answer, whether they were exaggerated or not by some sources. But I want to add some ...
Afrog - TRUMP2024's user avatar
29 votes

Why did people still chant "Lock her up" at Trump rallies in 2019?

When elected, Trump made a big point that his opponent should be investigated and "locked up" over the email controversy. Almost immediately after winning the election, he made tacitly clear ...
BradC's user avatar
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28 votes

What does Brett Kavanaugh mean with "revenge on behalf of the Clintons"?

Two reasons. One, Kavanaugh and Bill Clinton have a somewhat...tumultuous past. Two, he believes that Democrats are still upset over Hillary Clinton's loss to Trump and are getting revenge.
Carduus's user avatar
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26 votes

Why is the FBI making such a big deal out Hillary Clinton's private email server?

There are two distinct problems that exist here: the use of a private email server to execute the business of the Department of State and the introduction of classified material into an unclassified ...
Drunk Cynic's user avatar
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25 votes

Can the President of the United States be denied security clearance?

No. Classified information exists pursuant to executive order (specifically, EO13526 at the moment). Congress has passed some laws to affect some portions of that (such as banning clearances for ...
cpast's user avatar
  • 14.4k
25 votes

Why did the FBI director recommend that Hillary Clinton not be charged?

The only possible way to answer this is to quote more from the official text of Comey's press release. I've added my own emphasis, however. Although there is evidence of potential violations of the ...
Bobson's user avatar
  • 25.3k
24 votes

Why have unpopular figures like Putin publicly supported Trump?

Obviously I can't speak for Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un but the most likely explanation is that they're not doing this for a US audience. It is much more likely that they are pitching their support ...
Alex's user avatar
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23 votes

Did Hillary Clinton actually lose because supporters thought she would win in a landslide?

He wasn’t what I would call a “supporter,” but In his book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, James Comey claims that he chose to make his last-minute announcement about the FBI’s ...
KRyan's user avatar
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19 votes

Why can't president Trump just ask the NSA for the emails that Hillary deleted?

He could, but it would be a waste of time: Hillary Clinton is no longer a politically relevant opponent. Trump has little to gain by persecuting her further. He has more important opponents to deal ...
Philipp's user avatar
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18 votes

Did Hillary Clinton call Tulsi Gabbard a "Russian asset"?

NBC has the order of events/statements a bit more clearly outlined In a recent interview, Clinton didn't mention Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii by name, but said she ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
15 votes

Counties where Trump or Clinton got >85% of the vote?

Using the MIT Election Data and Science Lab's County Presidential Election Returns 2000-2016 dataset, we can see that there were 110 counties where Trump received over 85% of the vote, and only 10 ...
Uri Granta's user avatar
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14 votes

What specifically did Hillary Clinton say or do, to seem untrustworthy to Americans?

The reasons she came to be seen as untrustworthy to Americans are complicated by the heightened political battle between the main parties. The political right ran a very successful campaign to ...
Simd's user avatar
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14 votes

Attorney client privilege in the Trump and Clinton investigations

The Ryan Lucas NPR article cited already answered this: But that doesn't mean that attorney-client privilege is a magical blanket that covers any and all scrutiny. It doesn't. There are, in ...
agc's user avatar
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13 votes

Why did people still chant "Lock her up" at Trump rallies in 2019?

A large part of the problem here is that you are viewing the chanters as Donald Trump supporters. Perhaps that's not how they view themselves. Perhaps they view themselves as protesters who are ...
Brythan's user avatar
  • 90.1k
12 votes

Precincts where Trump got <1% of the vote in 2016?

According to MIT Election Data and Science Lab's U.S. President Precinct-Level Returns 2016 dataset, there were around 580 such precincts (the precise number is difficult to count as some counties ...
Uri Granta's user avatar
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11 votes

Why is the FBI making such a big deal out Hillary Clinton's private email server?

You said: To me, it seems like she was just a bit careless and she has no bad intentions, and the FBI knows that. She was rather a lot careless. Here's what Comey said when he recommended not ...
Brythan's user avatar
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10 votes

Review of Hillary Clinton's email problem

Who first revealed that Hillary Clinton has used her family's private email server for official communications? Hillary Clinton's private email server was discovered through the official ...
Wes Sayeed's user avatar
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