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How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

To some extent, it is the case that if a voter refused to vote for any candidate who wasn't always giving straight answers, they would no longer be able to vote for any candidate at all. All the other ...
wonderbear's user avatar
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How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

Your question reminds me of myself at around 30 years old asking myself why lawyers in the city were reluctant to take a cut-and-dried-winnable case for me against a major local employer. The penny ...
Trunk's user avatar
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How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

Political success in the US has always been reliant (to some extent) on the projection of strength, and this is only magnified by modern social media and the 24 hour news cycle. Candidates must (first ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers? A hostile or inexperienced interviewer may ask a bad or leading question. In those cases, directly answering the question means ...
computercarguy's user avatar
3 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

Sometimes you don't know the 'right' answer As this question is phrased, I think you're seeking an answer based on national or state level politics, but I want to give an alternate point of view from ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
2 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

I'm not sure there is one answer to that question as that can be a combination of various factors which can be differently important for different people and situations. Which coincidentally is a non-...
haxor789's user avatar
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11 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

How come that not giving straight answers has become a norm for politicians in democracies? As suggested by the already accepted answer, this is cultural. I want to expand on that a bit. Business ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-2 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

The answer lies in the tag used: debate. Who should "hold the politician accountable?" Per ohwilleke's answer, a debate is not a court of law, but I will approach things from a slightly ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
12 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

An interview or debate is not witness testimony in court or a deposition, where a responsive answer is legally required. When voters are considering someone for an elected public office, particularly ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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37 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

This is part of [at least of the Western] culture. Communication schools teach it. Because it works in general, no matter if you're selling shoes or your political programme. Countries which formally ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
5 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

People elect them again, that's how. A good politician knows what subjects matter to their voter. When voters care about something, politicians in touch with the voters know that they have to state ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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23 votes

How do elected politicians get away with not giving straight answers?

We are dependent on the interviewers to ask good questions and to not accept vague or simply non sequitur. You can find plenty of outrage about politicians not answering the questions they were asked ...
Eric Nolan's user avatar
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