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25 votes

What are the arguments for allowing MPs in the UK to work second jobs?

One important reason it is allowed is that it hasn't been forbidden. By default, things are legal. It would take some political action in order to change the law and unless that is mustered, the ...
alexg's user avatar
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8 votes

What are the arguments for allowing MPs in the UK to work second jobs?

A combination of two things: history, and a reluctance to change the rules. Historically, MPs were usually well-off landowners; and being an MP was a part-time job. They continued to run their estates ...
Michael Kay's user avatar
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7 votes

What are the arguments for allowing MPs in the UK to work second jobs?

EDIT: I completely misremembered the title question while typing this answer. I was responding to "why is the status quo what it is" and not the actual question. Which is why it absolutely ...
Hobbamok's user avatar
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5 votes

How do US and EU mitigate the risk of Chinese influence increasing in Russia following the recent sanctions?

They can't. Pushing back against Russia hard was always going to run the risk of realigning them even more towards China. In terms of military technology transfers, in terms of increased pipeline ...
Italian Philosophers 4 Monica's user avatar
5 votes

How much of a threat is Al Qaeda in the 2020s?

Al Qaeda remains active, most notably via its franchises. The al Shabaab group controls significant parts of rural Somalia, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula controls some of Yemen, local affiliates ...
Colin's user avatar
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3 votes

How do US and EU mitigate the risk of Chinese influence increasing in Russia following the recent sanctions?

IMHO the fact that the West actually acted mitigates the growing influence of China. Ignoring the invasion of Ukraine by Russia would convince China that it could invade Taiwan with impunity. ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes

What influence does India have on Bangladesh?

Is Bangladesh living in India or Chinese sphere of influence? If India, how much influence is India able to exert on Bangladesh? These questions are a false choice. To begin, below I have the ...
isakbob's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the arguments for allowing MPs in the UK to work second jobs?

One point not (I think) made in existing answers: Being an MP is not, in itself, a stable career: an election can be called at any point and you might then find yourself unemployed at short notice. If ...
avid's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the arguments for allowing MPs in the UK to work second jobs?

Working as a back bench MP was historically a part-time job, and would have to pay more to provide solely for the lifestyle of someone so important. As the answer by Michael Kay to this question ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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(Why) is Armenia's CEPA not perceived as threatening by Russia?

Russia and Armenia are strategic military treaty allies. Armenia is a landlocked country, which does not hamper Russian Naval projection of power Russia's role in the Nagorno Karabakh Russia ...
ksinkar's user avatar
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