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50 votes

Can Brexit be undone in an emergency?

"Can it happen"? Sure, the laws of the EU are set by the members of the EU, if the members want to change the rules they can. They can re-admit the UK or not. If there is a law against it, the EU can ...
James K's user avatar
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49 votes

Why is the President allowed to veto a cancellation of emergency powers?

It is a bug in the process, but it's one that has been present (and un-addressed) for more than a quarter century. When the National Emergencies Act was passed in 1976, it originally said that an ...
Bobson's user avatar
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26 votes

Can Brexit be undone in an emergency?

No. But the UK can apply for membership according to Article 49 of the Treaty on the European Union. This normally takes years. The article text: Any European State which respects the values referred ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar
17 votes

Can Boris Johnson invoke the Civil Contingencies Act to suspend the Benn law?

E.g. is it within actual powers of the government under the circumstances Absolutely not. The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 is extremely clear in defining the kind of circumstances in which its ...
Dan Scally's user avatar
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16 votes

Why is the President allowed to veto a cancellation of emergency powers?

The President has that power because the authority to veto legislation is an enumerated power from the Constitution. The conflict exists now because the Congress has surrendered an excess amount of ...
Drunk Cynic's user avatar
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16 votes

Time Limits on, and Purpose of State of Emergency in France?

There are three types of "Emergency" in the French system. The first two are constitutional, the third is statutory law, and it was the third type that was used in 2016/17. The first can be declared ...
James K's user avatar
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14 votes

Does the US Congress have an official alternative gathering location in case the Capitol building becomes unavailable?

According to an NPR article, a secret bunker (Project Greek Island) was built in West Virginia's Greenbrier Resort in the late 1950s. It was large enough for both chambers of Congress to hold sessions,...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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14 votes

What's the aim of the National Emergency disapproval vote?

Votes that congresspeople know won't be signed, or even pass both chambers are voted on all the time Efforts to repeal ACA. Often it's symbolic or a way for members to have their opposition to ...
RWW's user avatar
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11 votes

Can Brexit be undone in an emergency?

The problem with "what if" is that anything goes. If they find unobtanium under the hills of Wales which clearly would yield trillions of euro of profit every year but requires ten trillion euros to ...
chx's user avatar
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10 votes

Can a UK general election be delayed after Parliament is dissolved?

The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 provides, in: an event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare in a place in the United Kingdom, in particular, (a) loss of human life,...
CDJB's user avatar
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7 votes

Why were emergency responses so underwhelming in the 2011 attack in Norway?

Because the expenses to provide A transport helicopter. A backup pilot for the surveillance helicopter. A backup ferry. A small boat on the lake owned by the police. A backup security ...
Brythan's user avatar
  • 90.1k
7 votes

How does El Salvador plan to deal with its huge prison population?

Part of the solution seems to be cutting down on the living conditions: Each cell is to hold 100 prisoners, with only two sinks and two toilets for the group This is less than the ICRC (...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
6 votes

What happens with Power transition (Inauguration) during Emergency

Details influence the exact outcome, but these pieces of information are relevant: The public ceremony is not required for the president elect to become the president. If January 20 falls on a Sunday,...
Peter's user avatar
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6 votes

Does the US Congress have an official alternative gathering location in case the Capitol building becomes unavailable?

The short answer: there are such facilities, but where they are and what capabilities they afford is unclear. The long answer: the US Congress is not bound to any particular location, and could use ...
Docom's user avatar
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5 votes

Which right has priority in a shut down in states of emergency: the emergency law or the asylum law (international refugee law)?

International law generally assumes that sovereign states have relationships and treaties. That's the concept of Westphalian Sovereignty, named after the negotiations to end the 30 years' war. In ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How does a state of National Emergency affect/empower the government & citizens of the United States?

The short answer: It depends. It's not like declaring martial law. There's no generic "national emergency" under the National Emergencies Act and in the past national emergencies have been declared ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
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Why is the President allowed to veto a cancellation of emergency powers?

The theory seems to be (IMHO) that if the President tried to do something too outrageous, he would not be able to get the support of even 1/3 of the Senate. The Legislative Branch doesn't want its ...
Barmar's user avatar
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5 votes

Who has the authority to institute mass quarantines in the US?

Federal The CDC, under the Health and Human Services Secretary, has some authorization to do quarantines (emphasis mine) Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U....
Machavity's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the arguments for and against describing the Tunisian political crisis as a coup?

After reading some background material, it seems Saied's argument(s) for doing this is that the existing constitution, which was semi-presidential in nature, was not really working. Besides the ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
5 votes

How does El Salvador plan to deal with its huge prison population?

Frame challenge: What Fizz said, but also, why should he care? (btw, as mentioned in comments, 2023 homicide is reportedly 2.4/100k) He's just gotten reelected and apparently cleanly so *, so he's ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
4 votes

Can Romanian politicians, army, police, etc be held accountable for decisions taken while in a "state of emergency"?

The general answer to this, which applies in most democratic countries, is that governments are not legally responsible for "bad" decisions, whether made during a state of emergency or not. The main ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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4 votes

Why were emergency responses so underwhelming in the 2011 attack in Norway?

The police in Norway did not expect a terrorist incident because such things were, and are, extremely uncommon in that country. Wikipedia lists three lethal terror attacks in recent decades. It is ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Did Mayor Bowser declare a state of emergency over a health insurance issue?

Yes; this order is a declaration of a public emergency in accordance with §7–2304 of the Code of the District of Columbia. This is the same type of declaration as was made in response to COVID-19 by ...
CDJB's user avatar
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3 votes

Can Romanian politicians, army, police, etc be held accountable for decisions taken while in a "state of emergency"?

No, they won’t. Even if they had been wrong. Like we can see in Italy the spreading of the virus explodes if it isn’t stoped by rigorous isolation of the population like lock down, closing ...
Albrecht Hügli's user avatar
3 votes

In Canada, why can't the Emergencies Act be used against a political opponent?

Disclaimer: I don't know any details of the Canadian system specifically, nor am I a lawyer. I am merely extrapolating from living in a commonwealth democracy that I believe to be somewhat similar (...
Ben's user avatar
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2 votes

Did the current US administration express a position about national emergency state extension?

The president, through executive orders, does express conclusions justifying extension of existing state(s) of emergency. But there are such emergencies still being extended that started earlier ...
Burt_Harris's user avatar
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What's the aim of the National Emergency disapproval vote?

Not to change the topic but I believe there are potential legal impacts of a majority (but not super majority) passed Joint Resolution. Specifically with respect to the appropriations the ...
Richard Struss's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between war powers and emergency powers?

If you are talking about the United States, the difference is the type of powers and how they are used. War Powers are defined by the War Powers Resolution of 1973. It says that the president would be ...
Tyler Mc's user avatar
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2 votes

What countries have granted emergency powers as a result of Covid-19?

These things tend to be pretty out of date given the rapidly evolving situation, but Frontex put out an EU map like that some weeks ago (March 26) By March 17 almost all US states (48) had declared ...
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