To be used in relation to questions about the process in which a representative democracy elects its representatives, including how they are physically counted. Not to be used for questions about how the votes are scored, which are covered under the [voting-systems] tag.
To be used in relation to questions about the process in which a representative democracy elects its representatives including how they are physically counted. Not to be used for questions about how the votes are scored, which are covered under voting-systems.
To better explain the difference between voting and voting systems, voting systems involve the way that a ballot is used to determine the winner. Voting is the process involved with casting a vote. So vote-by-mail is a type of voting. Proportional representation and plurality are types of voting systems. Voting systems are theoretical constructs, although questions may involve their practical application.
Voting can also be used in regards to questions of who is eligible to vote and the specific methods of enforcing that. Voting is also used in regards to the system that a country or other voting district uses to process the vote, i.e. the mechanics of voting. Voting is generally a practical matter, with a specific application in a particular district.