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Radically Reasonable's user avatar
Radically Reasonable
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • U.S.
15 votes

How is the October 7th attack classified as terrorism based on casualty statistics, and how does it compare to similar events?

8 votes

Why is Brexit considered so bad for the EU?

8 votes

Has Trump indicated who he will endorse if he remains disqualified from the ballot?

6 votes

Isn't sending weapons to Ukraine an escalation?

6 votes

What measures short of war are still available to the West to pressure Russia?

5 votes

Why is Russia continuing to attack Ukraine even with a number of sanctions imposed?

4 votes

Is there any possibility that UN could deprive the Russian Federation of the veto power?

4 votes

What power does the Vice President really have?

4 votes

What exactly does Thomas Paine mean in this line of Common Sense?

4 votes

Was there any war Russia has ignited that was NOT explained by its "support" of a newly-created bogus puppet state (e.g. "People's Republic")?

3 votes

Are there any offices in the USA that require loyalty to the President?

3 votes

What was the TOP SECRET information in the Nunes Memo?

3 votes

Why does the US (Kirby) say that that new UNSC resolution, not linking the release of hostages to a ceasefire is "non-binding"?

2 votes

Are clergy required to perform interracial and/or same-sex marriages in the United States?

2 votes

Has any organization ever made it off the SPLC list?

2 votes

Why were India and Pakistan sanctioned in 1998 for nuclear tests?

1 vote

What are the practical differences between a "special military operation" and a war?

1 vote

Why isn't Syria treating Israel's attack in Damascus as an open act of war?

1 vote

Was there any talk in the U.S. to reform the legal system and not rely on juries during patent litigation cases?

0 votes

Tie in Presidential Elections

-1 votes

Is there a term for direct issue voting?

-1 votes

What is Antisemitism?

-3 votes

Why was Russia against NATO enlargement?