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David Hammen's user avatar
David Hammen
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Houston, TX
112 votes

Why does the US treat the problems of Russia and Ukraine as its own?

82 votes

Why dodge a question about your party's position (e.g. Kamala Harris on "packing the court" during VP debate) instead of saying it's undecided?

74 votes

Why is India diverting its resources to build its second mission to Mars?

71 votes

Has Trump ever explained why he, as incumbent President, is unable to stop the alleged electoral fraud?

69 votes

What do people who oppose Dr. Anthony Fauci believe he did wrong?

51 votes

Why does Donald Trump wield influence over Republican Congressmen & Senators?

45 votes

How can a state governor send their National Guard units into other administrative districts?

44 votes

What could the US federal government do to reform the police?

39 votes

What's to stop the House majority party from voting to expel every member of the House minority party from committees?

37 votes

Why does the amount of stimulus checks depend on each person's income, not assets?

31 votes

Why do 3rd party voters in the US seem to lean right politically?

29 votes

What happens if a non-representative is elected speaker of the House?

29 votes

How can election winners of states be confirmed, although the remaining uncounted votes are more than the difference in votes?

24 votes

Why do many officials in Russia and Ukraine often prefer to speak of "the Russian Federation" rather than more simply "Russia"?

21 votes

Why do many governments incentivize / subsidize (personal) home ownership?

21 votes

Why can Canada’s parliament vote (on gun laws), but even when a single party controls both the U.S. House and Senate a change is all but impossible?

19 votes

What would happen if the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact was ratified between a presidential election and when the electoral college votes?

18 votes

What is this political cartoon by Bob Moran titled "Amnesty" about?

18 votes

Why continue counting/certifying electors after one candidate has secured a majority?

18 votes

What is the purpose of an inheritance tax when inheritance could be taxed like other income?

17 votes

What was the one bill that Republicans filibustered in 2020?

15 votes

If the Democrats get rid of the filibuster to pass voting rights can the next congress repeal these voting rights with a simple majority?

15 votes

Why Would the President-elect have a Transition Visit before December 19?

14 votes

Why all the warnings about failure to raise the U.S. debt ceiling when some argue that Biden could just ignore it?

14 votes

Why did it take so long for the U.S. government to give Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices directly with drug companies?

13 votes

Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories?

13 votes

How does the World Economic Forum seem to have so much influence?

13 votes

What are the possible downsides for Puerto Ricans if Puerto Rico becomes a state?

12 votes

What's the point of continuing not to recognize the Taliban government of Afghanistan?

11 votes

What leverage or negotiation tools do government agencies actually have to negotiate prescription drug prices directly with drug companies?