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Ryan_L's user avatar
Ryan_L's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • NY, United States
102 votes

Why are the Taliban winning against the Afghan army?

72 votes

What is an alternative theory to the Paradox of Tolerance?

63 votes

Why do Republicans want to break up Facebook?

56 votes

What are the objectives of the TikTok ban?

51 votes

How are states (Texas + many others) allowed to be suing other states?

14 votes

What is the rationale behind delaying the imposition of more radical Covid-19 countermeasures?

14 votes

Is there anything like Schengen area anywhere else in the world?

13 votes

Can the US government outlaw the buying, selling and manufacture of arms?

12 votes

What could Trump hope to gain from a *second* Georgia "recount"?

11 votes

Has anyone gained power via election fraud?

10 votes

Is the Senate Compelled to Acquit Trump?

9 votes

Why is Russia not using nuclear weapons against Ukraine?

8 votes

Is the prevalence of racial arguments unique to US politics or is it a topic in other Western countries as well?

7 votes

Argument for why the electoral clause was not violated by balloting changes related to Covid-19

6 votes

Why does it seem like US conspiracy theorists are overwhelmingly Republican-oriented?

5 votes

Why didn't the Republican party confirm Judge Barrett into the Supreme Court after the election?

4 votes

What are the methods by which a democratic system can suppress demagoguery and intellectualize the popular vote?

4 votes

How should I interpret the US election poll results conducted on Twitter? They seem to contradict polls conducted elsewhere

4 votes

Why is it common for senators to not vote on cabinet confirmations?

4 votes

Why do Democrats and Republicans ignore public opinion polls on major issues?

4 votes

What events can occur in the electoral votes count that would overturn election results?

4 votes

Comparing the summer of 2020's BLM protests to the events at the Capitol on 6th January, 2021

4 votes

Why hasn't Biden gotten a "rally round the flag" effect after Afghanistan?

4 votes

Given the presence of internet, encryption, and digital cash, why hasn't "assasination politics" taken off?

4 votes

In a democracy, can parties cooperate to defeat an undesirable candidate?

4 votes

Are there sources that try to demonstrate that democracy is just an oligarchy?

3 votes

Why does it seem that social issues are overtaking fiscal issues in the USA when it comes to vote choice?

3 votes

Do right wing libertarians have a mechanism which incentivises long term planning?

2 votes

Why is there typically emphasis on education in general rather than for those related to jobs?

2 votes

How can a non-US resident best follow US politics in a balanced well reported manner?