Active Stack Exchange user since August 2012.
Politics Stack Exchange user since June 2014.
Moderator on Politics Stack Exchange since August 2016.
As a moderator I consider it my primary concern to maintain a respectful and politically neutral tone on the website. I believe that Politics Stack Exchange should be a community to learn and teach about politics and political processes in an objective and fact-oriented manner. It should not be a platform for discussions, opinions, emotions and political activism. I believe that political discourse is important for a democratic society, but there are already more than enough websites for that.
I am always open for constructive criticism regarding my style of moderation. If you would like to discuss any decisions I make, please do so on
SheriffOct 11, 2023
Copy EditorJan 9, 2021
ConstableAug 24, 2017
EpicApr 10, 2018
OutspokenOct 4, 2021
SportsmanshipMar 16